Chapter 15: My Little Brother is Very Shy!

"You've been calling for so long, and my sister hasn't paid you any attention, which means she's not interested in you. So you might as well leave!"

Fang Bai walked up behind the bespectacled man, waited for him to finish his rant, and then spoke indifferently.

The bespectacled man had been shouting downstairs for quite some time, his mouth dry, his patience nearly exhausted, and his heart was burning with anger. Hearing Fang Bai's voice, he suddenly turned around and snapped, "Get lost! Mind your own business!"

Fang Bai laughed, "With your attitude, it's no wonder my sister isn't paying attention to you. Get lost! And the further, the better! Don't come harassing my sister again, or you'll have me to answer to!"

"I won't leave, what can you do to me?"

"Then I guess I'll have to beat you until you leave."

Fang Bai sighed, ready to physically remove the bespectacled man from the area, when he heard a surprised voice overhead: "Little brother? What brings you here?"

A girl with a ponytail poked her head out from the fourth floor. Who else could it be but Fang Bai's sister, Fang Yun?

Seeing her brother come to her school, Fang Yun was both shocked and delighted, and she ran down the stairs in her slippers.

"Sis, I heard someone was harassing you, so I came to check up on you, and I also brought you some things."

By the time Fang Yun had come near, Fang Bai pointed at the several large packages beside him and said with a smile.

Fang Yun stood about 1.68 meters tall and, though dressed in plain clothes, her slim figure and exquisite beauty were evident, which was no wonder she had many male admirers at school.

"Fang Yun, you finally showed up!"

The bespectacled man's eyes lit up as he saw Fang Yun, rushed in front of her, and extended a large bunch of roses he was holding, saying tenderly, "Ninety-nine roses, for you!"

The flowers were immediately accepted.

However, it wasn't Fang Yun who took them, but Fang Bai.

Holding the flowers, Fang Bai strode to a nearby trash can, tossed the roses in, then casually walked back.

"You... you..."

The bespectacled man, who had spent a good deal of money on the roses, was furious to see them casually thrown into the garbage by Fang Bai, his eyes blazing with anger as if ready to start a fight.

"Qian Feng, if you dare lay a finger on my brother, you'll have me to deal with!"

Fang Yun stepped in front of Fang Bai, her arms outstretched, her eyes fiercely fixed on Qian Feng like a protective mother leopard.

"Fine, Fang Yun, I won't hold this against your brother. But the matter between us..."

"Sorry, I'm not looking to have a boyfriend right now."

"We could start as friends..."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be friends with you."

"Fang Yun, what's wrong with me?"

"You're fine, but you're not suitable for me."


No matter what Qian Feng said, Fang Yun gently rebuffed him.

In the end, Qian Feng left like a defeated rooster, dejected.

"Little brother, what are all these?"

After Qian Feng left, Fang Yun visibly relaxed and asked about the several large packages next to Fang Bai.

Just then, several of Fang Yun's roommates also giggled and ran down the stairs.

"Fang Yun, is this your little brother? He's quite handsome!"

"Fair-skinned, tall, and sunny-looking, he's just my type!"

"Hee hee, I don't have a boyfriend right now, so how about you introduce your brother to me?"

"Oh, you're into older women, huh?"

"Pfft, this is called a May-December romance!"

After seeing the refined and gentle Fang Bai, Fang Yun's roommates gathered around him, one pinching his cheeks, another feeling his chest, with bold and open movements.

"Stop it, guys, my little brother is really shy!"

Fang Yun pushed her roommates away as the girls tussled with each other, seemingly on good terms normally.

"Sis, here's the phone and clothes I bought for you. See if you like them."

Having just escaped from the "clutches" of the girls, Fang Bai pointed to several large bags on the ground as he spoke.

"Phone? Clothes?"

Fang Yun paused, knowing that the family's financial situation was not good. How could her mother suddenly afford to buy her a phone and clothes?

With questions in mind, Fang Yun squatted down and opened one of the large bags.

Inside were several sets of the latest brand-name fashion suitable for the season; Fang Yun took one look and immediately liked them.

However, she was soon shocked by the price tags on the clothes, for each set was valued at several thousand, clearly beyond her family's financial means.

"Little brother, these clothes... Did mom buy them and asked you to bring them to me?"

Fang Yun put down the clothes and asked with a frown.

Fang Bai shook his head with a smile, "I bought them for you with my own money. Besides these clothes, there are also shoes, purses, a phone... Oh, right, and a lot of snacks you girls love to eat, I got you plenty!"

Fang Yun opened the other bags one by one, carefully checking the contents.

"Wow, the latest model of the Fruit phone! I've been wanting to buy one, but my mom wouldn't give me the money!"

One of Fang Yun's roommates took the phone from Fang Yun's bag, looking at it with envy.

"This little bag is worth several thousands! Fang Yun, what does your brother do? How come he's so rich?"

Another roommate played with a small women's leather bag, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Fang Yun, your brother bought you so much snacks, you definitely can't finish them all by yourself, right? Good stuff should be shared!"

One slightly plump roommate set her sights on the large bag of snacks.

Fang Yun silently calculated in her heart: the gifts her brother had bought for her, all together, must be over forty thousand. Their parents definitely wouldn't have given him that much money. But where did he, a high school student, get so much money from?

Seeing the puzzled look on Fang Yun's face, Fang Bai knew she had many questions. He explained with a smile, "This money, I earned by treating people... If you don't believe me, you can ask dad and mom."

Fang Yun knew her brother was attending medical school and had always been fond of traditional Chinese medicine. He often read medical books and dabbled with Chinese medical equipment, nearly obsessed. Whenever their father had time, he would also give him some guidance.

But what Fang Yun didn't expect was that her brother's medical skills had developed to the point where he could treat people and earn money doing so.

Still, exactly how much had he earned to spend such an amount on her?

"Little Fang, your sister told me you're going to medical school. Are you studying traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine?"

One of Fang Yun's roommates asked curiously.

The question was posed by a girl with short hair, a round face and big eyes, petite in stature, with a few freckles on her nose tip, which made her look quite cute.

"I'm studying Western medicine, but I'm more interested in traditional Chinese medicine," Fang Bai replied after observing the short-haired girl for a moment before suddenly smiling and asking, "Sister, are you asking me this because you want me to treat you?"

The short-haired girl's face turned red and she retorted, "Don't talk nonsense, little brat; I'm not sick..."

Another girl with shoulder-length hair chimed in with a giggle, "Xiao Jing, who says you're not sick? Didn't you say you get painful periods? Fang little brother is studying medicine; why not have him check on you?"

The girl named Xiao Jing blushed even more and turned to tussle and argue with the girl with shoulder-length hair.