Chapter 18: Tang Wenrou

"Right, you are a huge failure!"

With an expression of disappointment, Fang Bai sighed, "You think by sticking on a beard, wearing a wig and a hat, and smearing ginger juice on your face, no one would be able to recognize you? Ridiculous! I really don't know where you learned your Disguise Technique from? Thumbs down! If ten points are perfect, I can only give you two!"

"Hey, you little brat, you've got quite the sharp eye!"

The shorter man's facial muscles twitched, and a malicious gleam flickered in his eyes as he sneered, "Since you've seen through us, you're going to die too! We don't mind adding one more to the body count!"

"Second brother, we're running low on bullets, and gunfire is too loud, use your knife to send him off!"

As soon as the shorter man had spoken, the taller man transferred the gun to his left hand and a dagger suddenly appeared in his right.


The taller man's heels slammed into the ground, and he shot forward like electricity, reaching Fang Bai in the blink of an eye. His dagger slashed, drawing a dazzling cold flash aimed at Fang Bai's throat.

Both fugitives had learned martial arts at a Martial Arts School when they were young; they were highly skilled with ruthless methods, no less than a specialist soldier in the military.

It was precisely because of these skills that they repeatedly committed crimes and had managed to evade the police several times, becoming highly-sought fugitives with a hefty bounty on their heads.

The tall man's dagger swept forward, epitomizing speed, ferocity, and accuracy. If Fang Bai were hit, his windpipe would rupture instantly, blood would spurt wildly, and he would die from suffocation.


As the dagger neared, Fang Bai stamped his foot, the impact echoing through the alley, and even the tall man's movements momentarily stalled.

Divine Elephant Eight Desolate Steps, seizing the initiative with an overwhelming sound to intimidate.

Immediately after, Fang Bai tilted his head to dodge the incoming dagger.

At the same time, his right fist, like a Flood Dragon emerging from the sea, accompanied by the thunderous roar of a tiger, struck fiercely at the tall man's face.

This punch was faster, more accurate, and more vicious than the dagger in the tall man's hand.

The tall man took the punch square in the face, an intense surge of pain quickly spreading and engulfing his consciousness in an instant.

Clang Clang—

He was sent flying two meters back, hitting the wall of the alley. He hadn't even hit the ground before he passed out, his gun and dagger falling to the floor.

The sudden turn of events left the shorter man dumbfounded, but he reacted swiftly, knowing he was up against a formidable opponent. He roared, disregarding the beautiful policewoman, immediately turned his gun towards Fang Bai, and pulled the trigger.

As he fired, he retreated swiftly, covering a distance of over a dozen meters in the blink of an eye.




Three consecutive gunshots shattered the quiet of the small alley.

After the gunfire, the shorter man looked intently, only to find that Fang Bai, who had been right in front of him, had vanished without a trace.

"Hey, I'm right here!"

Fang Bai's voice suddenly rang out from behind. The shorter man turned around in shock, only to be greeted by a fist rapidly enlarging before his eyes.

Damn, he can even dodge bullets; is this kid even human?!

This was the last thought in the shorter man's mind before he passed out.

"If it weren't for the countless battles I'd experienced in my past life and my mastery of the 'Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique' reaching the second level of the 'Accumulating Essence Realm,' it wouldn't have been easy to take care of these two guys!"

Fang Bai appeared to have dealt with the two fugitives effortlessly, but, in reality, his palms were sweating with tension.

He managed to dodge the bullets, not because his movement speed was actually faster than the bullets, but because he anticipated his opponent's actions and had calculated when they would shoot, reacting in advance.

From the moment Fang Bai made his move to when the two wanted criminals were taken down, it was all over in the blink of an eye; the beautiful female officer by his side hadn't even managed to react.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Seeing the beautiful officer staring at him dumbfounded, with a trace of fresh blood at the corner of her mouth from the slap she had received, Fang Bai stepped forward with concern to ask.

"I'm fine." She straightened her disheveled uniform and took a deep look at Fang Bai, "Have you practiced martial arts?"

"A little."

"You're being modest. These felons were experts and armed. That you could take them down so quickly shows that your martial arts skills are very impressive!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

"What's your surname?"

"I'm Fang Bai. Big as in 'generous,' Bai as in 'white snow.'"


"And you?"

"Tang Wenrou."


Upon hearing the name "Tang Wenrou," people would immediately imagine a sweet and gentle girl.

But in fact, Tang Wenrou was anything but gentle.

A year ago, Tang Wenrou transferred from Anxi City to the Zhongzhou City Police Station to serve as the head of the Major Crimes Unit.

When she first transferred, many people said that Tang Wenrou had deep connections in Anxi City and that her move to the Zhongzhou City Police Station was just for career polishing, predicting that she wouldn't stay long before being promoted and transferred away.

Others thought that Tang Wenrou was a "flower vase" officer, good-looking but incompetent, and that, if not for her powerful backing, she'd be nothing at all.

However, nobody could have anticipated that within just six months of taking office, Tang Wenrou, relying on her professional expertise and excellent skills, would solve several major cases, effectively silencing those who had gossiped about her.

At twenty-two years old, the unmarried and beautiful Tang Wenrou caused turmoil for the nation with her looks, naturally attracting countless admirers.

However, no matter how outstanding the man, Tang Wenrou regarded them with chilly indifference, rejecting them from a thousand miles away. If any man dared to pester her, those she couldn't drive away with words she'd send packing with her fists.

Despite "Wen Rou" (gentle) being part of her name, when she lost her temper, not even three or five burly men could stand against her, and the men who dared to harass her usually appeared standing in front of her and left lying down.

It was said that the son of a big shot in Zhongzhou City's business circle, finding Tang Wenrou attractive, made several lewd remarks to her face and ended up being beaten by her so badly that his own parents couldn't recognize him.

Afterward, the business magnate made quite a fuss in an attempt to seek revenge for his son, but when the forces behind Tang Wenrou exerted their influence, the big shot was frightened into personally apologizing and choosing to lie low like a turtle in its shell.

On another occasion, when Tang Wenrou was interrogating a notorious criminal, the man, knowing that his death sentence was unavoidable, uttered some filthy words in front of her. Enraged, Tang Wenrou kicked him so hard that she burst his privates.

After a series of such incidents, everyone at the Zhongzhou City Police Station held great respect for Section Chief Tang, and no one dared to pursue Tang Wenrou any longer.

Some wondered whether Tang Wenrou's constant rejections of men's advances might be due to a past hurt by a man, possibly leaving her with psychological trauma.

There were even malicious speculations that the reason Tang Wenrou always declined men was that she actually preferred women.

As for the rumors and gossip, Tang Wenrou remained indifferent and unmoved.

The beautiful officer named Tang Wenrou exchanged a few words with Fang Bai, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and walked over to where the unconscious felons lay, squatting down beside them.

She glanced at the two handguns on the ground, then put on a pair of white gloves with care, delicately picked up the guns, and started examining them closely.