Chapter 17: Shameless!

In the restaurant, the wall-mounted TV, which had been showing the news, suddenly switched to a reward notice just issued by Huaxia Police Headquarters.

The gist of the reward notice said that recently there have been two armed and dangerous criminals on the run across various locations in Huaxia, currently responsible for injuring and killing over a dozen innocent people. Their methods are extremely brutal, having a profoundly negative impact on society. To ensure that these hardened criminals are brought to justice, the police headquarters is offering a substantial reward of one hundred thousand for crucial information leading to their arrest…

At the end of the reward notice, there were also clear mugshots of the two wanted criminals.

Both wanted men were in their thirties, with buzz cuts, sharp gazes, and a fierce demeanor.

"Catching two fugitives can actually net you one hundred thousand," Fang Bai said as he pointed at the wall-mounted TV, half joking and half serious.

Fang Bai was indeed tempted.

With the one hundred thousand reward, not only would his own finances be more comfortable, but his family's living conditions could also improve significantly.

Fang Bai's voice was loud, drawing the attention of many, including two men wearing baseball caps and the policewoman.

The gazes of the two men in baseball caps were as sharp as knives, emanating a chilling killing qi,

while the policewoman's gaze carried contempt and disdain.

The two men in baseball caps quickly finished their meal and left after paying the bill.

They had barely been gone from the Fresh Fish Manor for two minutes before the policewoman also paid her tab, wiped the grease from the corners of her mouth, and got up to leave.

"Cough… Sisters, you guys keep eating, I saw an acquaintance and need to step out to have a few words with him," Fang Bai said. After paying for his meal, he hurried out of Fresh Fish Manor.

Anmin Alley is an old alley within Zhongzhou City, deep and narrow. Due to years of neglect, some parts of the alley are potholed and seldom do people pass this way.

The two men in baseball caps left Fresh Fish Manor in a hurry.

At this moment, they were passing through Anmin Alley, making their way to the street on the other side.


A few dozen meters from the end of the alley, a sudden sound of clothes tearing through the air broke the quietude.

A slender figure dashed out from around the corner of the alley upfront, lifting her left leg and striking with her right fist, simultaneously aiming for the lower abdomen of the man on the left and the face of the man on the right.

The moves were swift, fierce, and with a sharp sound of cutting wind, it was clear she was a master.

The two men in baseball caps, unexpectedly attacked, had their expressions change simultaneously.

However, they were trained fighters, unflustered despite the surprise, abruptly pushing off the ground with their heels, retreating rapidly to narrowly avoid the slender figure's assault.

But the slender figure's attacks were relentless, her fists pelting down like rain in a storm, and her legs striking like lightning and thunder, each blow targeting the men's vital areas.

The two men in baseball caps parried and dodged, retreating again and again.

After retreating about a dozen meters, the taller one seemed to become desperate. He suddenly roared, twisted his body, and took the brunt of the onslaught with his own body.

The shorter man stepped diagonally, moving to the side of the slender figure, and viciously kicked out.

The slender figure landed a punch that bloodied the taller man's face, but she herself was hit by the shorter man, letting out a pained whimper as she staggered backward and crashed into a wall.

Reacting swiftly, the shorter man followed the retreating figure closely, pressing a handgun to her temple before she could even react.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot you dead!" the shorter man growled viciously, his eyes glinting with menace.

The slender figure, overpowered, indeed did not dare to move again.

The tall man wiped the blood from his face and walked up with a ferocious look, his gaze falling on the slender figure's face.

It was only then that he recognized the slender figure was actually the beautiful policewoman who had been dining at "Fresh Fish Manor."

"Damn, it's this chick! We 'Northwestern Twin Wolves' have been roaming the underworld for years, and we almost capsized in the gutter here!"

The tall man approached the beautiful policewoman, sneered viciously, and suddenly slapped her across the face.

A pale cheek of the beautiful policewoman immediately bore five finger marks.


The beautiful policewoman's eyes blazed with fire as she spat fiercely, wanting to resist, but felt the gun muzzle on her forehead press against her, forcing her to calm down.

"You two are indeed those murderous, blood-stained wanted criminals!"

The beautiful policewoman gritted her teeth, indignantly saying, "I've been tracking you well, and I've long suspected you were in disguise. I didn't expect to guess right!"

"So what if you guessed right?" the tall man scoffed. "You're not weak, stronger than either of us, but you were too overconfident. If more of you had come, my brother and I would not have been able to escape today!"

A hint of regret flashed in the beautiful policewoman's eyes as she internally scolded herself for being too young and arrogant, always wanting to make a big accomplishment alone. Now, behold, she had fallen into the hands of two ruthless wanted criminals—her chances were likely bleak.

"Heh heh, this chick has a good figure, pretty face, and a fiery spirit—just my type! It's a pity this isn't the place, or else I'd have a good time!"

The shorter man's eyes lingered on the beautiful policewoman's face, his gaze revealing a lascivious light.

"Enjoy yourself my ass! The police are watching us closely. We finish her off and then we scram! If you want to have a good time, wait until we're out of the country!"


The short man looked regretful, his pistol pressed firmly against the beautiful policewoman's forehead, and his other hand lifted swiftly, turning into a Palm Blade, ready to strike the beautiful policewoman's throat.

He had trained in hard kung fu. If this strike landed, the beautiful policewoman's fragile throat bone would immediately shatter, and she would die on the spot.

"Two big men bullying a woman, that's just shameless!"

A voice suddenly sounded out of the blue.

The voice wasn't loud, but to the shorter man's ears, it was like a bolt from the blue, making his whole body tremble, almost causing him to drop his pistol.


The tall man spun around, simultaneously reaching into his bosom to pull out a gun of his own, the black barrel pointing towards the source of the sound.

Around the corner of the alley, a young man around eighteen or nineteen years old, with fair skin and a scholarly appearance, stepped out, his face bearing a mocking smile.

Upon hearing the tall man's question, the young man grinned and said leisurely, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Fang Bai. 'Fang' as in generous, 'Bai' as in pure white."

"Is that so? What do you want?"

The tall man seemed to recall having seen this young man at "Fresh Fish Manor" while dining earlier, his hoarse voice filled with a deadly Killing Qi.

"What do I want... Heh..."

The young man named Fang Bai blinked, laughing as he said, "Of course, I want to catch you guys and then hand you over to the police to claim the hundred thousand-dollar reward! Tsk tsk, a hundred thousand dollars, quite tempting, huh?"

The expressions on both the taller and the shorter man changed slightly, their grips on their pistols tightening, as if they were about to pull the triggers any moment.

"First, this chick sees through us, then a little brat sees through us... Dammit, was our disguise really such a failure?"

The short man muttered to himself.