Chapter 31: No Room for Discussion in Beating You!


Fang Bai's eyes flashed fiercely as he bellowed out, raised his fists, and met the two punches aimed at his chest.



Two crisp sounds almost simultaneously erupted as the bones in the two men's fists fractured, and they screamed while retreating.

In the blink of an eye, out of the seven men who had surrounded Fang Bai, three were already incapacitated.

The remaining four paused, seemingly not expecting Fang Bai to be so formidable; they then each drew ready-made steel pipes from their waists and swung them down at Fang Bai.

Fang Bai snorted coldly, took a few steps back, bent down, and grabbed the legs of the man he had knocked down, swinging his entire body up and using it as a weapon to smash against the four men rushing at him with steel pipes.

With Fang Bai's current strength, the man's body, weighing over a hundred pounds, felt almost as heavy as a steel pipe in his hands, difficult to lift.