Chapter 32: Master Hong

At this moment, Fang Bai was riding his bicycle, on his way home.

As for how badly Liu Yichen had been beaten, he couldn't care less; today's events had taught Liu Yichen a significant lesson and had also demonstrated his own strength.

If Liu Yichen didn't learn his lesson and continued to provoke him, then next time, Fang Bai would simply cripple him, solving the problem once and for all.

As for whether beating up Long Si and the others would lead to their retaliation, Fang Bai didn't concern himself with it.

An army would be met with a general, a flood with earth. Whatever came his way, he would face it.

The next day at the medical college, Fang Bai didn't hear any rumors about Liu Yichen being beaten. It was clear that Liu Yichen knew he was in the wrong and hadn't told anyone about the incident.

Moreover, Liu Yichen didn't come to class at the medical college today, claiming he was feeling unwell and had specifically requested a few days off.