Chapter 33: With a son around, no one will dare to bully us!

"I'll beat you to death!"

Master Hong, a ruthless man, guessed that it might be an old enemy seeking revenge after hearing Fang Bai's words. Following the principle 'strike first or suffer the consequences', he immediately swung the cue stick in his hand, aiming a sweeping blow at Fang Bai.

Although Master Hong had not trained in martial arts, he had been through countless fights. When he wielded the cue stick, it produced a whooshing sound and looked impressive.

Master Hong was fast, but Fang Bai was faster. At the instant Master Hong lifted his stick without yet swinging, Fang Bai had already moved forward a step, landing a seemingly light palm strike on Master Hong's chest.

His family was Fang Bai's sore spot, untouchable even by the Heavenly King. Not only had Master Hong barged into his house and caused destruction, but he had also struck his parents. Fang Bai felt the urge to kill.