Chapter 40: No matter how skilled one is in kung fu, they still fear the kitchen knife!

Fang Bai, in his past life, had entered the path of medicine and knew that "Illusion Grass" was an extremely potent hallucinogenic substance. When dried and ground into powder, even a small dose could make a person dazed and listless, as if they had lost their soul and were at the mercy of others.

It was unexpected that in this world, there existed such a drug that could bewitch the minds and confuse the hearts of people.

From the actions and demeanor of the three burly men, Fang Bai could imagine the fate that would befall the lady in the red dress once she was taken into the Tiangong Grand Hotel.

"What are you looking at, you little brat? Get lost!"

The last of the burly men, seeing Fang Bai staring non-stop at the lady in the red dress, suddenly glared at him menacingly and raised his hand to shove him.