Chapter 41: Rescue

"Someone in the car is calling for help!"

"Quick, save them!"

"We can't just stand by and watch them die!"

"Any men who can swim, who will join me going down?"

"Count me in!"

"Me too!"


In today's society, although human nature isn't what it used to be and morality has declined, there will always be hot-blooded men ready to act bravely for justice. One such burly middle-aged man called out and immediately got responses from three other men.

Four men quickly stripped off their coats and jumped into the river,

Even though it was early summer, the water at night was still chilly. After the four men plunged in, they couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably.

They encouraged each other and then, swinging their arms, they swam vigorously toward the sinking Ferrari sports car.

They reached the car and someone tried to pull open the doors to save the people, but the water pressure was too high, and he didn't succeed.