Chapter 161: Mysterious Pit

"You... How can you help..."

Xia Chenyu felt Fang Bai's sincere care, a tender spot in her heart was touched, and her nose tingled slightly.

"In this card, there's over two hundred million, of which I plan to lend you two hundred million."

Fang Bai took out a bank card from his person, waving it in front of the dazed Xia Chenyu, then continued, "Also, I have prepared three traditional Chinese medicine formulas for beauty and skincare products for you. Take them back, find someone to develop them, and once they're successful, you can introduce them to the market..."

He paused at this juncture, waiting for Xia Chenyu to digest his words, then added, "All three formulas were imparted to me by a master; they're each for whitening skin, eliminating acne, and removing scars, with significant effects. You must keep them safe. Whether your 'Beauty Company' can rise again and even surpass the Shen Family's 'Belle Group' depends on them."