Chapter 162: Secrets at the Bottom of the Pit

Fang Bai could determine that the immense Heavenly Pit had appeared only after the tremor occurred, yet what puzzled him was the sight of those martial artists, each fully prepared as if they had anticipated something beforehand.

Upon reflection, Fang Bai considered that perhaps some martial artists had often frequented this mountainous area, sensed the dense Essence Energy here, and deduced that treasures might be hidden, thus having readied themselves for exploration early on.

Although Fang Bai had also been cultivating in the mountains for a long time, he had never ventured deep into the hinterlands, so he was clueless about any abnormalities before the Heavenly Pit emerged.

Had it not been for the slight tremor earlier that attracted Fang Bai, he would have missed the opportunity to participate in the competition for the treasure.

With someone taking the lead to enter the Heavenly Pit, others, fearing they'd fall behind, followed suit in succession.