Chapter 242: Marrow Cleansing

Although the valley Fang Bai had previously discovered, which resembled a paradise, was filled with various spiritual medicines, it did not contain the "Seven-Leaf Golden Lotus" and the "Blazing Flame Scarlet Heart Fruit," so Fang Bai attached great importance to the cultivation of these two spiritual medicines in his own small courtyard.

Faint essences of gold and fire lingered around the two plants. Fang Bai sat cross-legged beside the spiritual medicines, closed his eyes, and began to circulate the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique", absorbing the essence energy from the two plants.

After more than an hour, Fang Gang, Yang Mei, and Fang Yun inside the house had successively completed the Marrow Cleansing, and Fang Bai also emerged from his cultivation state. He casually uprooted the "Seven-Leaf Golden Lotus" and the "Blazing Flame Scarlet Heart Fruit", storing them in his spatial ring for later use.