Chapter 243: Unspeakable Secrets

After ending his call with Fang Bai, Lu Xinghe instructed his secretary Xiao Wang with a few reminders, then had his driver take him to the "Xianyun Teahouse." On the way, he shared the news with his wife, Zhou Xianyun.

Half an hour later, Fang Bai arrived at the "Xianyun Teahouse" as promised.

After getting out of the car, Fang Bai saw from afar that Lu Xinghe and a middle-aged beauty, around thirty-five years old, were standing side by side at the entrance of the teahouse.

"Doctor Fang, welcome!"

Lu Xinghe, seeing Fang Bai, immediately walked forward with the middle-aged beauty, extended his right hand, and shook hands with Fang Bai, his attitude humble.

"This is my wife, Zhou Xianyun."

After shaking hands with Fang Bai, Lu Xinghe pointed to the middle-aged beauty beside him and introduced her.

"Hello, Doctor Fang!"