Chapter 344: Is This a Case of Good People Receiving Good Rewards?


After chatting with a few of his former superiors, he learned that after their retirement, they were plagued by spinal and neck problems. They tried various treatments to no avail and were in great pain. Later, they heard of a young doctor renowned for "Miraculous Rejuvenation" here and decided to give it a try. To their surprise, after a few treatments, the spinal and neck issues that had troubled them for years were significantly alleviated, and they heard that with a few more sessions, they would almost be completely healed.

When it came to Fang Bai, Jiang Huaihe, and Zhao Xinran's former superiors were all thumbs up, full of praise, saying that this young man was not only skilled in medical practices but also that his humility and calm demeanor were highly commendable, unlike some so-called famous doctors who looked down their noses at their patients, acting as if they were saviors of the world.