Chapter 345: Giving You a Surprise

If it were someone else, those admirers and suitors might have the courage to compete, to fight for her attention, but not long ago, who knows who let slip the news that Fang Bai's backer was the Lu Family from Yanjing. With that revelation, all of Su Linglong's admirers and suitors respected Fang Bai from a distance, who would dare to poach from him?

To offend Fang Bai was not a worry, but to offend the Yanjing Lu Family behind Fang Bai was unthinkable.

There are probably very few in the whole of Huaxia who could bear the retaliation of the Lu Family.

Every time Su Linglong came to the acupuncture and massage room to find Fang Bai and stood timidly at the door, calling out Fang Bai's name, Wu Tian and a group of interns would look on with immense envy.

"I'll treat you this time!"