
[Detection of "5+ Level Biological Type 'Ancient God class'" lifeform activity detected...]

[Correction! Detection of original Containment Subject "0-9 'Hunger'" activity detected, its revival has reached four percent and is continuously reviving!]

[Danger! Danger! Danger!]

[Request to activate "Bonfire Protocol" barrier! Request for "Bunny" anti-contamination and anti-psionic heavy firepower intervention!]

As this information appeared on the retina, a rumbling, deafening sound came from behind the Mist Gate, followed by several cylindrical metal tubes rushing out.

Dragging long tails of smoke, they homed in on the outstretched dark green hand under some unknown guidance.


In the deafening blast, the hand of the Evil God that had been stretched out was blown up, to the disbelief of Calder and the others watching.

Meanwhile, from behind the gate, the heavy sound of metal tracks rolling over the ground could be heard.

"Hiss... What's with this multi-turret god church?"