Chapter 74 Rewards and New Equipment_1

Monday, afternoon, 3:00 PM.

At the sight of this time, Colin was first startled, then shook his head, quickly regained clarity, and realized something was wrong.

"Could it be... only three hours have passed? Is this a special trait of all descent-type tasks? No matter how much time passes there, here it's always counted as three hours?"

"Otherwise, how could this happen? Less than ten hours count as three, more than ten hours still count as three, even a week is still three hours..."

Colin pressed his hand against his forehead, pondered for a while, and roughly had some guesses.

He was somewhat surprised by this, but not overly so.

"I also don't know how the situation there is going now. If I go in next week, will it be the scene from when I left, or has everything already ended, and I just disappeared in front of Helena and the others?"

As Colin's thoughts fluctuated, he reached for the parchment on the bedside table next to him and spread it out in front of his eyes.