Chapter 259 Statue of Liberty_1

"So, this is the Star Color Art Academy, right?"

Colin stepped down from his wheelchair and asked a staff member present, but as he got off, the wheelchair behind him suddenly melted into a puddle of silver "water," seeping into the surface of the concrete and disappearing.

"Uh, yes, you… who are you?"

Caught off guard by Colin's question, the staff member in his thirties was still trying to process the situation—

Over the years, they had encountered quite a few who appeared like ghosts with a flash or arrived in various special ways, but this was their first time seeing someone speed onto the scene in a wheelchair...

Moreover, in the direction from which Colin had come, one could faintly hear the sound of approaching sirens.

"I'm Colin, newly arrived to handle the current incident. Give me a copy of any reports you have on the situation."