Chapter 260 Survivors in the Academy_1


Just as the plaster torch touched the silvery-gray mist near Colin, it crumbled into pieces instantly.

"That's interesting... I didn't even notice anything was wrong with it before it attacked. There's something quite unusual about this strangeness..."

Colin tilted his head, pondering the scene that had just occurred, without feeling any sense of danger.

Because that thing posed a very low threat to him, even if he stood still, it might not be able to penetrate his defenses.

Moreover, what made him feel uneasy wasn't so much the attack from the statue, but rather the brilliant, multicolored dazzle of light that emanated from the Statue of Liberty as it shattered.

This dazzle of light disappeared in less than a second...

But whether it was an illusion or not, when he looked directly at that resplendent light, he always felt as if his life span might have experienced a "-1S," "-1S" situation.