Chapter 38 Bite down!

Slave Catcher Group!

One of the most detested existences in the Nesserite Empire and even the entire West Continent.

They are a group of beasts without humanity!

Driven by profit and money, they violently capture humans, barbarians, orcs, half-orcs, half-elves, hobbits, and even elves and dwarves.

And once they get their hands on them, they'll assign them a legitimate slave status.

Then, they can openly imprison the captives, transport them for sale everywhere, and engage in twisted transactions.

Sometimes, they conduct horrifying and perverted experiments on their captives.

Occasionally, they use various means to control the minds and thoughts of their captives, turning them into living tools.

Others are sent to certain powerful patrons who can shelter them, providing them with even greater support.

Without a doubt, the presence of the Slave Catcher Group in Bay Village was definitely not to catch the merfolk in the Misty Swamp and Silvermoon River.