Chapter 39: The Entire Army Attacks! (Please follow for more read.)


"Form up, defensive formation!"

Angela's clear command spread, and the instinctive reactions honed by hundreds of training sessions allowed 90 soldiers and 10 newly joined warriors to line up and stand ready.

Their shields were set up in front, spears braced behind, with bows hidden away, forming a square and tidy queue that looked quite orderly.

The deeply shaken Elder Feld repeatedly surveyed the familiar faces, suddenly feeling a sense of estrangement.

He couldn't believe that just a few days of training had brought about such a huge change in soldiers and cart drivers accustomed to fighting on their own, including those from Bay Village.

Elder Feld, in his youth, had also served in the Nesserite Empire's army, fighting against the orcs to the north and the barbarian tribes to the east.

When moving eastward to clear new lands, Elder Feld had been on the front lines of battle, engaging with masses of merfolk and trolls.