Chapter 40: Collapse at the First Blow!

Yaya, with her extraordinary perception and excellent stealth abilities, happily practiced the art of surprise attacks she learned from her unscrupulous daddy.

Alta wasn't her first prey and certainly not her last.

The eight notification pop-ups confirmed Yaya's battle achievements to Matthew.

"Tsk tsk, Yaya's moves are really smooth, naturally suited for battle. Once she grows bigger, her combat power will be even more formidable..."

"Three Level 2 Wanderers, three Level 2 Barbarian Sentries, and two Level 3 Wanderers, provided me with a total of 180 Experience Points (EXP)."

"My current total EXP is 1,600, only 400 points away from leveling up..."

"They are still 300 meters away from us. It's time!"

Matthew's gaze flickered slightly, sending a retreat signal to Yaya, as he watched the towering reeds and bushes ahead sway gently.

He nodded gently to Angela beside him and pulled out the last Magic Scroll brought over from the Serl Family.