Chapter 55 Don't speak, I have a cleanliness obsession

The villa.

Wayne lay on the lounge chair with a telescope in hand, constantly watching for any changes in Enrold Town.

On the long table beside him, delicate pastries and red tea were arranged.

Wayne didn't have the habit of an afternoon tea, but Philark still prepared everything meticulously, attempting to train Wayne into an elegant gentleman welcomed by high society.

Now, well...

Neither standing properly nor sitting properly, if he could sit he wouldn't stand, if he could lie down he wouldn't sit, embodying an approachable and unpretentious manner.

"The Magic Array has disappeared..."

Wayne stood up with his telescope, a look of joy on his face, and said, "Isabella succeeded. She truly deserves to be my choice, my judgment was indeed accurate. I knew she wouldn't let me down."

"Young Master Wayne, Lady Isabella hasn't returned yet," Philark said with a smile.

Understood, don't jump to conclusions too soon, don't pop the champagne at halftime.