9 - Revelation about parents

[Tatsumo POV]

As i asked him to break now and told him to not kill innocent people, i started thinking, i am talking about killing to 6 years old. But i have to say he has knack for Kenjustu. He learned samurai way quite fast.

No he just need to follow his own path after he successfully master all basics. May be i should teach him "Leaf-Style Sword Art". But he is still young. May be i should let him find his own style. For now i am gonna only give him tips on his queries.

But i have to say he learned basics quite fast. It took me week to get them correct. And quite a lot of head knocks from father. May be he is genius in kenjutsu. Or may be he is facination for it. Instead of being genius, i want him to fascinated with it. Fascination brings hard work and with hard work comes strength.

"Do you remember your parents?"

"Not much. Just that they were kind. and took care of me and loved me."

"Can you describe them if you can remember?"

I nod. 

May be i shouldn't have asked this. He looks somewhat troubled. But he still started telling me. 

"My father was strong guy. That much i can say. grayish hair. brown eyes like me. Big. But all small kids thinks that. He wore some jacket above his body. Can't say what was his name. I don't remember names of them as i was just 2 years older. I should been able to describe how they look as i was just 2 years older when i last saw them."

"My mother was kind and gentle. Her eyes were scary but kind at same time. I don't know why i got scared of her eyes every time i see them. Pure white color irises. She had black hair, and beautiful face."


I don't know what kind of face should i make. Should i be surprised, shocked? I can't think straight. 

He can't be samurai's son, No may be he is. But his whole family should be dead. But as he is describing it i think he is their son. And he is half breed, so i can't be sure if he is gonna have Byakugan or not. Actually, i don't want him to have Byakugan. Its gonna be another trouble for him. Lets not think about it for now. 

I should have talk with hokage about this. I can't let anyone another person, know about him. 

"Okay kid, you should start practice. Remember, practice makes perfect."

He nods and start practicing again. I review his training for half hour but i can't find any issues. 

"I am going to my office kid. Keep practicing. Basics always helps in long run. I am going to my office. If you need help you can come to my office tomorrow morning. okay?"

He nods and i leave.


I know answering questions and this answers may have some what revealed my identity. But i some what believe Third hokage will take appropriate actions. If not i know who to believe and who not to.

After JIJI leave, i started practicing all basic moves. I started doing 100 reps in order which Old man told me. He is gonna be my first teacher and quite good ad that. Just this move explanation has solved many of issue. 

After week i should ask him about fast unsheathing (Iaido). After all, Failed night has created one final slash which scared and mesmerized every one. "Oikage" (Seeking Shadow).

[Sandaime POV]

I was siting in my office when i heard footsteps and knock on door. 

"Come in."

Director of one of new and temporary orphanage "Tatsumo Sadeki" enters my office.

"Ohh, Tatsumo, how are you?"

"I am fine Hokage-sama."

"Please sit."

As he sits, i started working again on some document thinking i will work while conversing with him.

"How its going at orphanage?"

"Quite good actually. All kids are nice."

"Yes, because of kids we push forward. Because of kids, i took this post again, but this paper work is killing me."

"Hahaha, Every hokage had same problem. I remember fourth having same issue."

"Nara don't like to be hokage because of this."

"You are saying correct. They are only intelligent guys that's why they don't want to become hokage." 

He is saying correct.

"So why you came here Tatsumo. After your retirement you directly started working as orphanage director. But after that you didn't come here till now so this must be important. Are you gonna come out of retirement?"

"Don't joke around. I am enjoying this life. Relaxed life. I never got married, but now i think all orphanage kids as my own."

I also wanted that life. 

I can see some type of hesitation. He keeps looking at Anbu guards. Is he hesitating about something?