10 - Revelation about parents 2 and Samurai's Legacy

"Anbu leave us alone. Dog can stay other can go."

"Oh, Fourth's deciple. huh."

"You recognize him."

"Seen and worked with his dad."

I nod.

"So what do you want to talk about."

"I don't know should i saying this or not. But let me ask you question. Did you found the body of the Samurai's son?"

I woke up from stupor. Did he just asked that question.

"Kakashi, this is secret. No we couldn't. We thought some spy got it. As boy was half hyuga, so his body might have kekekai genkai. But we couldn't find any news from anywhere about it. 

Than as Orachimaru defected, we thought he might have done some inhuman experiment on body. But we couldn't find any records about him. Why are you asking this? It's A grade secret now."

"Do you know the name of boy? As we have archive of every child."

"Inari is recorded name."

"So i might have mistaken."

As he were saying this, i thought other thing. 

"Yes there is one more thing. One day i was passing by their house, boy was just born. Daiki invited me for tea and meeting their kid. He was around half year old i think. They are calling him with some other name. 'Ikki'. When i asked why? Hisuna told me he has eye of his father. and as a part of his father, she is calling him with that name."

I can see visible tension rising in Tatsumo. He is hesitating more and i can feel that. And i can think why. What he is gonna say now can cause quite a big issue. Involving one of clan of konoha.

"Tatsumo, I can feel what you are trying to say. Don't hesitate nothing will go out from here. No one will know about this."

"I am trusting this on you hokage. 'Inari Hiruma' or should i say 'Ikki' is in my orphanage."

I sigh. This one statement caused quite issue for me.

"Tatsumo, I wanted you to say, 'you found position of body or the body'. But this is more major. How's kid?"

"Alive and Kicking. His name is Ikki now."

"Kakashi can you bring files of named Ikki from Tatsumo's orphanage."

As i completing this statement.

"No you won't. Kakashi stop. Third, If you do this every one knows this secret meeting is about boy named 'Ikki'. Currently its just meeting about my whole orphanage where 50 children resides."

"Sorry, Tatsumo I forgot about it. In excitement knowing Samurai's sone is alive i forgot about the issue."

"No damage is done so its okay. But you can't take any action about this."

I nod.

"What does Hyuga clan thinks about Samurai's son?"

"They have accepted that he is dead. But they want to find body and deal with it as they did with her mother's body."

"It's good. Every one should think he is dead. Hyuga clan knowing boy is already dead won't search in alive persons. So boy, don't have to fear seal for now. But i have more concern about your trash friend."

As he says this he release his chakra, and i have to say if he has sword with him, he still can make 5 to 10 jonins tremble in fear. After some time he settles down.

"Don't take tension, he won't know."

"He better be otherwise he will have me coming at him."

😁😁😁😁I laugh at that.

Kakashi: "What if Hyuga clan know?"

"Do you even need to ask that question? after seeing him."

😈😈😈😈I can see Tatsumo smile scarily.

"So how is boy."

"As i said good and kicking but he has some medical problems and because of that he can only has 10% of chakra pool than normal people."

I sighed at that statement.

"Samurai's son having that issue."

Kakashi: "Samurai is a person who is compared with father right."

"Can't say. They never fought with each other. Your father came out of anbu, as a 'white fang' got Moniker for that. Konoha's White fang. And In reverse, Daiki Hiruma got it differently. He maximum done protection mission. And his every mission about protecting some one. He never killed innocent. And because of that he got other moniker. Konoha's "Samurai" or "Black fang". They never done mission together but they got moniker together also 'Konoha's Blades'."

Tatsumo noded on this. And I can see Kakashi is also impressed.

"Ha Ha Ha. He loved to joke. And never involved in politics. If he was, he is gonna be also one of Hokage's candidate. But also on Nine tails attack night he just returned from mission and was heavily injured. Otherwise even Nine tails might have issue killing him."

"I liked that kid. We sparred many times. He always asked for my tips as at that time i was senior of both in kenjustu. And trained under samurai and his philosophy perfectly aligned with Samurai's so i sowed him their basics and he picked it up. I loved to say his Kid is same."

I got impressed with this statement.

"Apple doesn't fall far from tree. right?"

Tatsumo node on this.

"He saw my swords in my office and instantly got attracted to them. And on his request, i taught him samurai's swordsmanship basic techniques. And he learned all basics in 1 hour."

"I know you took 1 week for it. right?"

"Don't put salt on my wounds."

I laughed at that.

"His father took 5 days. But this kid only took 1 hr. Can i even say its because of blood? or his fascination for swords? or both?"

"Its good. Konoha will have new Samurai in some years. right? Might be not that much strong but still strong. right?"

"You are saying this because of his chakra levels. right?"

I nod.

"Even if its low now it will increase. And if genin level training gives him 10% of genin level chakra than he should do training on level of Chunin. Hard work always get rewarded. What i am scarred of hard workers? Not geniuses."

I nod. I can't help but remember "Might Duy". He alone nearly wiped out "Seven Ninja Swordsman of mist".

Tatsumo: "Lets conclude this meeting. You should start working and just say i was here for some past reminiscing and orphanage budget."

I nod at that. And he leaves.

"You got impressed, right Kakashi?"

Kakashi nodded at that.

"Lets spread rumor about this meeting as Tatsumo Said. And let Tatsumo handle boy, he will teach boy basics and let boy take it further. Every one has different path and As Tatsumo describing him, We will have scary samurai in between us fast enough."

Kakashi leaves office.

Past 4 years, this is only good news i have got. This is good. Samurai's legacy leaves on.