30 - Tatsumo Returns 2

Sandaime: "Shishui Uchiha."

"And what's he doing with Ikki."

Sandaime: "That you three will see in some time."

Jiraiya: "Who's Ikki?"

Sandaime: "You will get that answer in sometime. Currently we are going at training ground 10."

We reached training ground 10 in 15 mins. We concealed our selves so trainers won't be able to see us.

Sandaime: "Kakashi, can you you check it out if anyone has followed us or not? You know how sensitive is this right?"

Kakashi got into action after 5 min he returned. 

Kakashi: "No one has followed us Hokage sama."

Sandaime: "Good, Kakashi, you know about Ikki. So only Jiraiya is unknown to him. So Jiraiya, Ikki or should i say Ikki Hiruma."

Jiraiya: "What!!!!"

Sandaime: "Yes he is Daiki Hiruma, Samurai's son. He has been training at training ground 10 past 7 months, Since academy started. That i got to know 3 months ago."

"That crazy kid, he didn't stopped training crazily."

Sandaime: "He also started some kind of weight training. Now, 3 months ago, because of his suggestion or should i say creation of game, whole class learned Kawarimi no Jutsu in just 1 month."

Jiraiya, Kakashi and Tatsumo, looks shocked. 

Sandaime: "Don't just get shocked. What you are gonna see next will be crazy thing. When i asked for monthly report from their homeroom sensei, i got to know about game and class achievement. And instigator for it, I got curious at that time what Ikki was doing. And in sometime you will get to see it."

We waited 10 more min, and i can Ikki is coming with some kid. Why hairstyle and laziness, i can see he is Nara. Ikki made friend. Its good.

Jiraiya: "First person to left, looks like Nara, so second person must be ... this bastard kid. I want to hit him."

Sandaime: "Ehhh"

Jiraiya: "He was the one told people about me, when i was doing research."

"You were again peeping right."

Jiraiya looks away. 

Sandaime: "Hahahaha, So it was Ikki. He is kinda uptight kid so he must have told them. Leave it. So as you can tell, He is Ikki Hiruma. The other kid is Chinatsu Nara's son, Chikako Nara." 

"Ohh, Shadow demon's son huh, Ikki made nice friend."

Sandaime: "Yes. So Chikako was helping Ikki in that training, after seeing absurd training I assigned Shishui to gather information about training and afterwards join training."

After 5 min 1 more person arrived.

"Shishui Uchiha."

Sandaime nods.

Ikki: "So can we start."

Shishui and Chikako nods on that.

Sandaime: "Don't react okay."

Ikki sat down in middle and put blindfold and earplugs. And what happened next, almost made me, Kakashi and Jiraiya, jump out and stops this absurd training. Shishui Uchiha, grabbed ball and threw at Ikki's head with full force from Ikki's left side.

"Sandaime, what the heck is going on?"

Sandaime: "Don't take tension. They are just rubber balls, and they just stings. If you are thinking this is absurd, check out next thing."

We all started waiting again.

After 4 balls, something happened, as Nara kid threw ball from back, Ikki shifted his head to right and dodged ball. 

Jiraiya: "Sensei, what just happened." 

Sandaime: "He dodged ball."

Jiraiya: "Yes but 'How?'"

Sandaime: "He is reading intent from Nara kid and Shishui's thrown balls."


After 2 min,

Sandaime: "My reaction was same, when i heard about this. But watching it with my own eyes, i found this more absurd."

Jiraiya: "Kakashi, open your sharingan and check out if he is using any chakra related technique or not. Because i am not sensing any chakra."

Kakashi: "Hai, Jiraya sama"

After 2 more balls this happened again, Jiraiya and me looked at Kakashi,

Kakashi: "Damn, He is not using any chakra at all."

"If what Sandaime said is right, Ikki is getting intent from thrown object and without Chakra at that, Right Sandaime?"

Sandaime: "Don't continue asking me same question. Yes."

"What would you rate this technique?"

Sandaime: "For now, on base of usage, C rank. But if its absurdity increased, can't tell. And currently, i am not sure other persons can learn it or not. That's why I asked Shishui to learn this technique with Nara kid as they help Ikki perfect this technique."

Nice work Ikki, You are proceeding well. You didn't get discouraged by your deficiencies. But instead, you rose above them.

Sandaime: "You must be happy, right Tatasumo?"

"I am. What I started, I think, Ikki gonna take that far ahead. World's best swordsman."

Jiraiya: "This kid, is practicing Kenjutsu, also?"

Sandaime: "After this practice, he does body training and then Kenjutsu practice."

We all nodded.

In about, 15 more minutes Ikki's training ended.

Ikki: "Nice, I was able to dodge 4 in 10 balls. Correct."

Shishui: "Yes, you are progressing nicely."

Chiakako: "Only we are stuck."

Ikki: "Didn't i say self doubt make this technique, useless. 'I can do. I will do.' Only remember this words. Shishui san, Lets start your training."

Like this after some time ShiShui and Chikako's training completed.

Shishui: "I am going. Lets meet tomorrow."

Ikki: "yes"

Shishui left.

Jiraiya: "Can we go now?"

"No Jiraiya, i want to see his Kenjutsu practice. If what i think is right, after getting initial success, he must have started new type of training. That type of kid he is."