31 - Tatsumo Returns 3

Nara kid, starts doing his clan jutsu practice, and Ikki started doing his regular body training, and basic kenjutsu practice.

Jiraiya: "This kid has already mastered. But its just minor compared to technique he has developed."

I nod at that. 

"He already got basic moves down before he even joined academy."

After hour practicing, Nara kid has exhausted his chakra, 

Chikako: "Ikki, i am leaving."

Ikki: "okay, bye"

Chikako: "bye"

"Does Chinatsu Nara knows, Chikako is trying to learn this perception technique."

Sandaime: "I can't tell. But i don't want many people to know about this. Actually, i don't want many people to know about Ikki, I am scared of my friend going berserk."

"Ya ya, very funny."

Ikki started going in woods. 

Sandaime: "What's he is doing."

We got somewhat close, and see Ikki dodging trees with basic footwork. But he is doing some extra footwork. Looks quite basic. Don't know why this movements are not that simple as they look.

"Sandaime, do you understanding what is he doing?"

Sandaime: "No"

"Jiraya, Kakashi, do you understand?"

Jiraiya, Kakashi: "No"

Jiraiya: "This movements are not as simple as they look. Let me check it out."

Before i can stop it, Jiraiya goes near Ikki, Without him knowing. And used transformation jutsu to become tree.

After sometime, Ikki go against that tree and after standing against it goes to another tree via footwork. He didn't relize it was a person. After some time, Ikki's footwork training ended. And he goes to flat ground and started to relax. Seeing this Jiraiya comes to us.

Jiraiya: "Damn, this kid has given me another surprise. Kakashi, he wan't using chakra. right?"

Kakashi: "yes"

Sandime: "What happened Jiraiya?"

Jiraiya: "He is practicing footwork, in which he can slip in someone's unconsciousness. He is not progressing much, but he is trying to do that to all surrounding tree so its hard. But when he masters it, he can go in crowd of enemy ninjas and they won't even realize he has entered in their midst. He is making himself as surrounding so my mind has rejected him to acknowledge as person. As his strength is quite low, and i am this powerful this technique won't work on me but similar strength enemy won't even know this kid has killed them even if Ikki straightly walk in front of them. Just his practice of this technique is quite low."

Sandime: "Jiraiya, don't joke around."

Jiraiya: "I am not joking. Do i look like person who can joke about this matters? If his mastery of this increased, he will be force by himself."

Sandaime: "This kid, has given me more surprise than i can handle."

"Ya, but should prepare yourself more."

Sandime: "Why?"


Ikki stood up and went to stump in training ground. Took out his bokuto, and stood up again stump, put his bokuto on stump. And stood there like this for 1 hr. And completed his training. After recovering he went home.

We all go to stump and see what was going.

Jiraiya: "What type of training was that?"

I checked out stump, and my hand started shaking with excitement.

"Damn, Damn."

Sandaime: "What happened Tatasumo?"

"Checkout place he put on bokuto."

They all saw what i saw. There was some kind of crack at stump. Quite small but it was there.

Kakashi: "How is this possible? Without using chakra, this kind of result is not possible."

Jiraiya: "Tatsumo san, did you teach him this?"

"No, i only taught him kenjutsu and swordmanship basics."

Sandaime: "But how did he did this?"

"I can think of only one thing. Point blank slash. Without chakra, taking energy from your legs and core, slash enemy at point blank range. This is showing like crack because he is using bokuto. But when he is gonna use sword, it should be clean cut. I pity his Jounin sensei, he will have to handle many things."

Sandaime: "Should i encourage him for early graduation?"

"Let him develop. Copying this technique from somewhere, or he made it himself doesn't matter, when he can do taijutsu kumite without using swords, let him graduate. I think he is gonna implement this swordmanship technique in his taijutsu also. Think how its gonna be point blank punch. And if he enhance his chakra with it."

Sandaime: "I got hasty after seeing this technique. He is gonna be powerful in future. How much time do you think he gonna need to complete this three techniques."

"First perception technique, if its just like this what he is showing us, its gonna complete in 1 year, but i don't know about its advance applications so i can't say. For steps, its constant practice, and summer vacation is also coming in 3 months, so i think he would be able to complete this 2 technique at that time, as it will increase time for his practice, but only if not takes something new."

Sandaime nod on that.

Jiraya: "Lets all of us go to dinner."

"What do you say, Sandaime, lets have dinner, on me of course."

Sandaime: "Yes, Yes lets go."

"What about you Kakashi?"

Kakashi: "I will take you on that offer."

Jiraiya: "Let's go for ramen."

"Ok lets go."