43 - Sandaime's headache - 1

[Sandaime POV]

This last month was quite productive. Damage done by Nine tails attack has some what subsided. But new issues started to appear. New monsters which started to appear was one of them and Other is Uchiha clan. After dispatch of Team Jiraiya on research mission has somewhat subsided their issue with Higher ups and Fugaku's talk with police force officer has made their civilians made resentment towards them has decreased. Its minimal but still its progress. But then new issue came in last clan gathering.

[Flashback 1 month ago]

Me, my three friends and all clan leaders are sitting in clan meeting. All clan leaders came here for listening only one thing, report about Jiraiya's mission.

"Okay, as every one gathered, Jiraiya's report, about new monsters which are started appearing, has come yesterday."

"As per Jiraiya and his team, they only roamed around land of Fire for now, as until now they found about 30 monsters as average, in only area of 2 km."

Every one looked tense listening to this. In 2 km area, 30 monsters are high in numbers. This might make ecology unstable. Many animals might extinct because of that.

Shikaku: "What is level strength of this animals?"

"As per report, they are only size of squirrels or lizards for now, but their strength is around level of normal dogs or cats. They have some what hard scales or extraordinary speed."

Shikaku: "Troublesome. This might make environment even unstable. And they are small animals, and we don't even know what might come ahead."

"Yes, They found around 10 space channels in that areas. They said this space channels are unstable. Out of this 10 space channels, after checking out them in next day, they have already collapsed. So I can say this issue won't be that much of problematic for now."

Shikaku: "That's what I fear."

Koharu: "What do you mean?"

Shikaku: "This space channels are unstable, still monsters as strong as dogs and cats came out from this channels. What i think is they came out of this channel coincidentally. This are brainless animals, and most of them don't know what is happening around them, they just crossed in this world and forgot about it and started leaving here normally. Hokage sama, did they described size of space channels?"

"Yes, Space channels average size is around quarter of meter."

Shikaku: "Thought so, what is highest variation in channels?"

"Around 10 cm."

Shikaku: "That much variation."


Shikaku: "We need to prepare what's gonna come. I would like to create teams who can handle this kinds of monsters. And if possible we need to create network so we can know if any such kind of monsters appear. Monsters with genin or below level strength can be ignored but if chunin or higher level monsters started to appear we need to deal with them as fast as possible."

I started to think about it. Currently issue is not that much big. But we can't dig well when there is already fire. Creating this kind of team is good measures for now.

Danzo: "Aren't you thinking it like issue will arise tomorrow. We shouldn't start it now."

Shikaku: "How do you think we start this process, Elder Danzo?"

Shikaku's voice is full of sarcasm. This is first time I have seen Shikaku targeting Danzo. Even Danzo got taken aback seeing how Shikaku reacted to his statement.

"Shikaku I agree with this. How do you suggest we proceed with this?"

Shikaku: "Actually, group of 3 people already started training in this kind of arts accidentally. They can be first group. In 2 to 3 years we can see their training results. For every clan, I want them to train upcoming individuals, who have high level of reflexes and speed and can deal high level of damage in one strike. For now this should be basic requirements. We don't know, if this beasts can be put under Genjutsu or not, if they can be sealed or not, so that is another matter we need to check. If possible Sandaime sama, Ask Jiraiya sama and his team to check if genjutsu work on this beasts or not."

I nod. But In this Shikaku is taking too much interest. Something must be bothering him. 

Danzo: "Who is this 3 individuals?"

Shikaku: "That doesn't concern you Elder Danzo."

This confirmed my suspicious. Shikaku don't want this 3 individuals to fall under Danzo's command from start. He wants them to grow stronger and take lead in what's gonna come. And I agree in this. Before Danzo would start, I stop him via showing him my hand. 

"Shikaku, something is bothering you right?"

Shikaku: "Yes Hokage sama. There is one possibility which was pointed to me by my clan member."


Shikaku: "Humanoids monsters, or Other humans from that world."