44 - Sandaime's headache - 2

Every one got shocked listening this. After some time, Danzo start laughing as if he heard joke of year. But i know, this possibility can't be rejected. Even if humanoids don't, appear monsters powerful enough, which can threaten jonins, would be Huge set back.

Danzo: "Nice joke you are telling Shikaku. Are you trying to make us all feel threaten by this."

I can visible anger in Shikaku's face. But I can't reject this possibility pointed out by Shikaku and I need to take precaution against this.

Before Shikaku fire against Danzo, "Danzo, leave this meeting. You are not welcome here now."

Everyone, even Koharu and Homura got shocked by this.

Danzo greets his teeth.

Danzo: "Hiruzen, are you seriously entertaining this? This will create huge turbulence in Konohagakure no Sato. We can deal with this monsters as we are."

"What every clan leader think about this?"

Akimichi Choza: "Akimichi clan agrees with Shikaku Nara."

Yamanka Innoichi: "Yamanka clan agrees with Shikaku Nara."

Inuzuka Tsume: "Innuzuka clan agrees with Shikaku Nara."

All clan leaders agreed.

Lastly after some time,

Hyuga Hiashi: "Hyuga clan agrees with Shikaku Nara."

I watched Fugaku. He nods.

Uchiha Fugaku: "Uchiha clan agrees with Shikaku Nara."

"Shikaku, who are this 3 persons you told before. Can I meet them?"

Shikaku: "Can we discuss this in private Hokage sama."

"Okay. Come in morning tomorrow in my office. We will have talk then."

Danzo: "We should include this 3 in root."

"Didn't I told you to leave the meeting Danzo."

Danzo greeted his teeth and left the premise.

Homura: "You shouldn't treat him like this. Danzo just want to help."

I looked at Homura amusingly and he knows.

"If he stayed here, he would just become roadblock in every discussion we have made today. Okay, every clan will gather individual they deem worthy and start training them, in which they will be taught to increase their reflexes and cause as much damage as they can in single strike. After 4 more years, village will select school students for this kind of training. Its okay right Shikaku."

Shikaku nods on it and sat down.

"Okay lets complete this matter for today. Does any one have another thing to discuss."

Unexpectedly, Fugaku Uchiha stood up.

"What happened Fugaku?"

Fugaku: "10 members of Uchiha clan has done missing and they all are Jonin level."

Ahhh, This meeting is giving me more headache than I have imagined.

"I don't want to ask you this but is there a possibility of them to be defecting?" 

10 people to go missing is quite suspicious. 

Fugaku: "No hokage sama, they are loyal to village. And the didn't go missing in one go. It happened one by one in last 2 months."

"Did you investigated?"

Fugaku: "I personally did. [Every clan leader got shocked on this.] They all gone missing from outskirts of village when they went there for petrol. I found remnants of fighting there. As per my investigation, they were fighting many enemies at same time. And biggest issue is, I didn't find their bodies."

This is troubling. How can this happen? 

"Did any one know about this patrol routes or anything like that?"

Fugaku: "Out of 10, 7 persons' routes came from your office hokage sama."

Koharu: "Fugaku, are you saying this was caused by Hokage?"

I looked at Koharu, Are you deliberately trying to cause trouble for m?

"Shikaku, You and Anbu commander, with Help of Fugaku Uchiha, investigate thoroughly and find responsible person for this. I want weekly reports on it. If any one says to step back even if its elders you only say this one sentence, 'Its order by Hokage.'. If anyone try to stop you, kill them and ask questions later. First priority is get their bodies back. From now on, until i say its order to patrol that area, no one from Uchiha force will go there. And every order related to Uchiha police force from hokage's office has to go through me. Its okay with you right, Fugaku?"

Fugaku looks satisfied and nodded.

"Fugaku we will do as much as possible in finding them. So rest assured."

"Any other agenda."

No one spoke for minute.

"Then lets end this gathering. Dismissed."

[Flashback ends]