Alex and Drayvos were awoken in the early morning hours by a knock on the back door of their yacht and the ringing of Alex's phone. Neither had gotten any sleep that night due to Drayvos's insatiable appetite and stamina.
Alex squinted sleepily at his phone and picked it up. "He… hello?"
Tiffany's stern and rushed voice replied, "Open your back door. We need to talk. Now."
"Uh, yeah, sure," Alex said, sitting up and putting on some clothes to look presentable.
"Huh? What is happening, Alexander?" Drayvos asked, still sprawled out on the bed.
"Tiffany is here," Alex said, putting on slippers and a bathrobe. "She sounds livid, or desperate, or both."
At the back glass door, Tiffany was impatiently waiting as Alex groggily opened the sliding door. "Yeah, Tiff, what's up?"
"We need to talk," she barked, barging past Alex and into the living room.
"Yeah, sure. I got that. What about?" Alex replied, taken aback as he closed the door behind her.
"Where is he?" she snapped, then yelled, "Drayvos! Get out here! Now!"
A moment later, the lumbering giant strolled out in his boxers. "Yes, Tiffany, I am here." He yawned and stretched his gargantuan arms. "What can I help you with?"
Glaring at him, she held up a white and blue stick with a "+" marker on the end. "I'm pregnant!"
Alex's eyes shot open, and his jaw dropped.
"Your 'birthday present' got me pregnant, Drayvos!" Tiffany yelled.
A gleeful grin appeared on Drayvos's face. "That is excellent news, Tiffany!" He opened his arms wide and gave her a huge hug. "You will be the first mother of Ethaaren offspring on Earth in millennia!" He hugged her with his giant arms, easily picking her up in joyful appreciation.
"This isn't good news, Drayvos!" Tiffany shouted, prying herself off him. "I don't want kids! I don't want a family!" She held her hand on her forehead, about to have a panic attack. "I have a plan! I have goals! I have… a career! I can't have kids now! I don't WANT kids!" Her breathing escalated to a full panic attack as tears began to flow. "I have… I have…"
"Us," Alex calmly interrupted, stepping up to embrace her hands and calm her down. "You have us, Tiffany." He gave her a comforting hug.
"What do you mean, I have you two?" she asked, sniffling into Alex's shoulder.
"Let Drayvos and me adopt your kids," Alex said, holding her tightly. "They are Drayvos's children after all." Then pausing and looking her in the eyes, he asked, "They ARE his, right?"
"Oh yes! They are mine!" Drayvos cheered. "Ethaaren seed always implants, and I can sense the kinship of my brood within her." Drayvos looked at her abdomen longingly and with godly approval. He put his large hand on her shoulder. "You will bear my children, Tiffany, and we will raise them!"
"WE!?" she almost shouted back.
"Yes, of course!" the giant blurted out. "You, me, and Alexander," he motioned to the three of them, "will all reside under one roof, with the voices and patter of many offspring to busy our days!" He motioned as if patting the heads of a dozen imaginary children. "I, the patriarch of the household; you, Tiffany, the matriarch for breeding my progeny; and Alex for… fun." He winked at Alex lustfully.
"Are you kidding me!?" she shouted back. "For breeding your progeny!? What am I? An offspring dispenser to you!?" she shouted at the top of her lungs.
Drayvos looked at her confused, not understanding her reaction.
Realizing this was a clash of two eras and two different worlds, Alex decided to intervene. "Tiff, Drayvos! If I may?" he yelped, stepping between them.
"Tiffany, I fully understand how…" Alex shuddered at what he just heard, "archaic and out of date that sounds. But from Drayvos's perspective and how he was raised, and you know this from ancient Greek history, large homes were polygamous by nature. The patriarch," he motioned to Drayvos, "had multiple lovers under one roof. The opposite gender," Alex motioned to Tiffany, "was used for breeding and keeping the family bloodline secure. While the same gender," he motioned to himself, "was used for... fun… whenever the patriarch wanted it." Alex elucidated, "It makes total sense why Drayvos suggested it."
"Are you freaking kidding me!?" she shouted back, completely insulted. "You want me to live with you two, as some polygamous triad or something?!"
"Yes," Drayvos nodded affirmatively. "Yes, I do."
Alex gave her a calm and sincere smile. "I would love to live with you two," he continued. "I love Drayvos and want to spend the rest of my life with him, but we can't have kids. And I love you, my BFF and bestie. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you in a never-ending slumber party!" Alex held her hands softly. "And don't worry about finances or money; Drayvos here can pay for the best of anything any of us could ever wish for." He held both of their hands. "And besides, we've all seen each other naked, so it wouldn't be awkward or anything." He chuckled to lighten the mood.
Tiffany seemed to calm down and nodded softly. "You guys really want me to move in?" she asked sincerely. "No marriage or formality, just, sex with that giant and raise his kids?"
"I'll gladly raise them," Alex raised his hand, "and you just need to do whatever you women do to make them." He chuckled half-heartedly. "But we want you in our lives, and in their lives."
She thought about it, felt her tummy, and slowly nodded. "Okay. It seems like the best option for me." She wiped the tears from her face. "For us. For all of us." The more she thought about it, the better she liked the idea. "Yeah, I'll move in with you guys. We can make this triad work, I suppose."
"Yes!" Drayvos loudly cheered. "Now we celebrate by making passionate love all day long!" he roared with vigorous cheer.
"Um, before that," Tiffany halted him, looking around at the small confines of the yacht, "I think we may need a bigger place."
"Yes!" Drayvos replied even louder. "We need an estate fit for a god and his family!" he huzzah'd. "And then we celebrate our new home by properly christening it with endless passionate love making!" He proudly declared, as Tiffany and Alex burst into laughter.