Epilogue: Forever Home

Alex, Drayvos, and Tiffany lay in their large bed, beads of sweat from the heat and their activities glistening on their skin.

"We're gonna need more than a normal house," Alex started. "And not your typical three-bed, two-bath kind either."

"It will be marvelous," Drayvos daydreamed aloud. "Ten, no, twenty bedrooms! A bathhouse, gymnasium, trophy room, banquet hall. It will be stupendous, worthy of the god Drayvos and his kin!"

"And expensive…" Tiffany burst their bubble. "No way we could afford anything that huge."

"I don't think so," Drayvos sat up, taking the golden apple decoration on his nightstand. "I have been doing some research on elements and Earth's economics, and it seems Francium would be the best element to transmute to, as it is the most expensive element on earth."

Alex sat up abruptly. "And one of the most radioactive!" he blurted out. "If you wanted to kill everyone here and in the city! No! Not Francium!"

"Oh…" Drayvos nodded. "Yes, humans are weak to radioactive materials. Rhodium, then." He turned the golden apple into a dark gray metallic apple. "Non-toxic and incredibly expensive. Roughly $5,000 per ounce in US Dollars." He looked around the room. "Wonder how much this yacht in Rhodium would go for?"

"I think we can probably find some other chunk of something to turn into Rhodium and sell that," Alex rested his hand on Drayvos's, "and NOT sell our first home together."

Drayvos nodded in agreement.

"Well then," Tiffany said, getting up from the bed, "it seems you guys have work to do. Go make some ridiculous money, then we can go house hunting."

"And what will you be doing?" Alex asked inquisitively.

"Go to the porcelain throne!" she yelped, as pregnancy morning sickness overcame her. She rushed to the restroom, slamming the door behind her.

Alex looked at Drayvos worriedly. "Well, it seems we have some Rhodium to sell."

Alex and Drayvos walked out of the US Treasurer's office with large grins on their faces.

"And we are officially eleven million, seven hundred thousand dollars richer, my love," Alex beamed ear to ear.

"And it only cost us picking up that 140-pound rock off the shore and hauling it into the truck!" Drayvos patted the dust off his hands.

"So? Go grab Tiffany and go house hunting?" Alex suggested, motioning to their truck.

"After a quick pitstop," Drayvos grinned, opening his truck door.

"Oh?" Alex asked, climbing in.

"Yes, Alexander. I just made eleven million dollars," he winked and patted his belt buckle, "and now my loins ache for you like never before!"

"OH! Okay!" Alex agreed to the suggestion, as he buckled his seatbelt.

Days went by, and the trio continued their house hunting, but to their dismay, no house had it. The spark that said "Forever Home." So, the trio continued their house hunting in the living room of the yacht.

"Not the Victorian?" Alex asked, showing a picture of a Victorian-style mansion.

"Looks haunted," Tiffany blurted out. "How about the Caribbean?"

"Too small," Drayvos shook uncomfortably in his chair. "How about this modern?"

"Not kid-friendly," Alex stated. "See that lawn, then a fifteen-foot cliff into the garage? No thank you."

All three sighed as Drayvos hugged them. "Too bad we have no slaves to build us our mansion."

"Slavery is illegal, Drayvos," Alex blurted out. But then a light went off in his head. "But we could hire a custom home to be built for us!"

"Yeah!" Tiffany sat up straight. "That way we can get exactly what each of us wants in our 'Forever Home!'"

"And…" Alex typed on his phone. "Here is a custom home builder for the area. We just need the land!"

"Well, that's easy to find!" Tiffany chimed in. "I'm not wholly attached to Berkeley, and the suburbs and outlying area have plenty of land!"

"Or even an island in the Caribbean!" Alex said, showing tropical islands for sale. "I'm not attached to Berkeley, and everyone I would want is right here in this room!"

"Alright, alright," Tiffany nodded slowly. "Find us a cheap island, and we can hire some custom home developers to build it!"

"It won't be immediate. We probably won't be able to move in until after the baby comes," Alex added.

"The sooner we get started, the better!" Tiffany gleefully replied.

"Great!" Drayvos clapped. "Then let us find our island and plan our 'Forever Home!'"

Eighteen months later

The Olympus 2 sat docked on the offshore pier of a small privately owned tropical island, somewhere in an undisclosed location in the Caribbean.

The midday sun shined over the glistening waters of the ocean, as a man in a construction hat and suit walked down the pier towards the yacht.

After a slight knock on the glass door, Drayvos opened it to the construction foreman. "Ah, Mr. Bautista! Good day to you!" He beamed, holding not one, not two, but three infants all swaddled to his chest. "What brings you here?" He was bouncing his babies up and down, trying to calm them. Two had blue caps, and one had a pink, as they screamed for lunch.

"Well, good news, Mr. Ward," the foreman said. "Construction is complete, and your family can move in any time! It's bare at the moment, but at least you six can finally disembark and head in. Decorations can come as you please."

"Oh, that is great news!" he shouted aloud, only to prod the babies to scream even louder.

Moments later, all six members of the Ward family stood in front of their new home: Drayvos Ward, holding one of his sons, next to Alex Ward, holding their daughter, and Tiffany Ward, holding their other son.

All stood in front of a multi-million dollar Greco-Roman mansion, with large vertical columns and statues of "Drayvos's relatives," the Pantheon, basked in the tropical sunlight. Designed to resemble a grand Greek estate, it featured columns, pillars, statues, water fountains, an Olympic swimming pool, a personal gym, and every other modern amenity, as well as plenty of land to roam, run, and play, and endless white sandy beaches to spend the days away.

"We're finally home, guys," Alex said, holding his daughter's hand proudly.

"Yes, we are," Tiffany added, her smile bright for the future.

"Good!" Drayvos cheered, picking everyone up—Alex, Tiffany, and his triplets—in his massive giant arms. "Let's go christen it!" He joyfully trotted off inside.

The new happy family entered their forever home and lived happily ever after.

To Télos (The End)