Everyone chatting)

Sachiko: so Naomi, the track meet is in two weeks , how are you feeling?

Naomi: I'm alright, just a little anxious that's all, I mean its my first time competing on the high school level

Sachiko: that's true, anyone would be nervous

Naomi: no I'm not nervous, just curious about my competition that's all, plus my new hundred meter record is 10.3 seconds so I'm feeling really confident.

???: whoa, that's amazing

???: you'll definitely do well in the race , so have more confidence Naomi

Sachiko: you're incredible Naomi, I'll be cheering you on from the stands so go break a leg, not literally though

Naomi: thanks everyone (smiles)

(Noboru): she's so cute when she smiles (gulps), wait what I'm thinking , I can't revert back to my old self, it would seriously cause her trouble like back then but I can't keep on lying to myself forever, being so far away from here makes me miserable.

???: so tell me Sachiko, what's it like being the vice president of the student council? It must be pretty amazing working along side Hitomi Yoshida , she's so beautiful and well educated

Sachiko: to be honest, it's actually fun , however it's a lot of paper work, not only do we have to find ways to mitigate issues faced in the school but also file a report to both the head of department and the principal, its really tiring.

Naomi: don't worry you'll get use to it after sometime

(Noboru): when did the two of us became like this , we were much closer before


???: wow that girl is fast for her age

???: yes you're right, she has a bright future ahead of her

(Noboru): she's so cool

Noboru: hey, you there what's your name

Naomi: my name is Naomi Nakamura and you?

Noboru: Noboru Takemoto

Noboru: um, how can you run so fast despite being my age, you are even faster than the boys

Naomi: well that's simple, I'll be fastest woman in Japan and I'll be just like Shellian Fraser Pryce, just you wait and see (smiles)

(Noboru): whoa, she's so amazing

(Noboru): from that moment I fell for her, so I joined the track team as a means of getting closer to her but I wasn't athletic so I fell behind the others but just seeing her everyday was enough for me to not quit . After a while of hanging around her I realized how much of a baker she was so I decided to join the baking club she's apart of in order to try and impress her however I immediately realized how horrible I was at it so I quitted after three days. In junior high, I kept up with my track training even though it sucked just so I could see her everyday however, she spent most of her free time after training hanging out with a guy who plays basketball, she seemed so happy playing with him and it made me jealous. So, I decided to take up basketball even though I didn't know a single thing. Eventually I got good enough after practicing and researching for a month so I decided to tryout for the basketball team and I made the starting lineup

???: Noboru catch!!

(Noboru catches the basketball)

(Noboru shoots a layup)


???: whoa, this guy's is amazing, he scored twenty four points

???: nice one Noboru, I'm really glad that you're here we are by 38 points

Noboru: thanks captain

(Noboru): in the end, I scored thirty points just from running fast breaks and we won that game 73-39. All my teammates were happy but I wasn't because she didn't came to the match to watch it somehow made me loose all of my motivation. A couple of matches later we were playing in the third round against one of the best junior high school in the country. And that day she came to watch however I soon realized that it was not for me but the guy she hung out with, he was our opponent.

???: rebound!! Noboru catch

(Noboru scores a layup )

(Noboru) : we scored the opening basket , however that was the only points we scored that game. Never in my life have I felt so hopeless and outclassed, like I had zero talent or affinity for basketball. We ended up loosing 104-2 on our home court. My teammates were devastated and I was too , however I felt it way worst because after we lost she was smiling and talking with that bastard, congratulating him on his victory, from that day decided quitted all the sports club I've joined it was all for nothing anyways no matter what I did I couldn't get her to notice me. My seniors wanted me to stay but eventually respected my wishes. I spent the rest of my junior high wasting away at school or at home doing nothing and then one day.

(Door bell rings)

Noboru: be right there

(Noboru opens the door)

Noboru: uh, Naomi , you came here to look for me

Naomi: no, I didn't , I came here to tell you that I'm disappointed and annoyed with you

Noboru: what do you mean?

Naomi: you don't think that I've noticed? Everything I hold dear, passionate about and dedicated all my time and effort into you decide to take up as well. Do you have fun making a mockery of my ideals and dreams? You know how serious I am about Tracks so why?

Noboru: no, it's not like that I –

Naomi: then why do you do everything single thing half-assed, I hate people that are like you, don't bother talking with me again were through

(Noboru): from that day we didn't talk to each other again, I honestly felt like my whole world had fell apart. Our encounter changed me but not for the better. Though having not wasting my time thinking about her I was able to study hard and got accepted into Toshigawa Academy however, what I didn't know was that she would be attending as well. After all the effort I put into forgetting about her, there she was right in front of me.

(Noboru): wait, why the hell am I thinking so much about her all of a sudden

(Noboru holds down his head on his table)

(Noboru): I must be going insane or is it Nanaho's training regime getting to my head? I honestly don't know anymore.

???: hey, is it just me or is Noboru really quiet today?

???: yeah, he looks really gloomy , I wonder if something happened

Naomi: you're right, he's usually loud and vulgar, going on and on about how great he is, maybe he's just tired from all the training he does with the girl's track team. They have been giving him a whole lot of work that's for sure

???: or maybe he got tired of being so arrogant

(Noboru overhears then)

(Noboru) If only she knew the reason I was able to keep up with those annoying girls, it was because ever time I looked at her , she was looking directly at me. Damn!! I can't take this torture anymore I'll just get what I have to say off my chest.

(Noboru gets out of his seat and walks over to them)

???: it's Noboru, I wonder what he wants

(Naomi looks at Noboru)

Noboru: meet me on the rooftop during our lunch break, I want to have a talk with you

(Noboru goes back to his desk)

???: I wonder what he wants to talk to you about

???: yes , me too, I'm curious

Sachiko: will you go to the school's roof Naomi ?

Naomi: I guess I have no choice, how would I know what he wants to talk about?

(School bell rings)

(Noboru sighs)

Naomi: I'm hear just as you asked, make this quick

Noboru: yes

Naomi: so now what do you want?

(Noboru walks closer to Naomi, standing face to face in front of her)

Noboru: don't speak, just listen and wait until I'm done

Naomi: uh, ok

Noboru: I know that I've been a nuisance to you in junior high, I joined all the clubs and sports you did and I didn't commit myself fully to any of them which made you mad at me because you viewed it as me mocking your passions and hobbies. I want you to know that I'm fully committed to basketball now and one thing is for sure is that I didn't join those clubs to mock you, I joined so that I could be closer to you and enjoy all the stuff that made you happy. However after what you said to me when you visited my house that day I just felt empty, as if I was a hollow shell because I loved you and I was rejected before I even confessed this. Even now I still think about you from time to time and that's because…

(Noboru gets closer and kisses Naomi on the forehead)

Noboru: I'm still in love with you

Noboru: I said all I had to say, my heart feels a bit lighter now, see you

(Noboru walks off)

(Naomi stood on the rooftop confused and shocked)

(Noboru): I can't believe it, I actually said it after all this time. Regardless of her answer to what I said to her ill be able to move on now but I won't ever forget her that's for sure

(Bell rings)

(Noboru): yes, I am going to give it my all today while training with those stupidly endurable girls

Shino: hey Noboru wait for me

Noboru: not a chance amateur

Shino: can you please stop calling me that

Noboru: hey Tetsuo, you coming?

Tetsuo: be right there, I have some notes left to copy in my book

Noboru: alright see you on the court

???: hey Naomi, I've been dying to ask all day, what did you two talk about on the roof?

???: yeah, I want to know too

(Naomi remembers Noboru kissing her on the forehead )

Naomi: nothing important don't worry

???: now I'm even more curious, please tell me

Naomi: I would but that's our little secret

(Naomi puts her index finger on her lip)

???: oh, come on