Hitomi: there has been a report about students who are loitering after school hours , to be specific ones who don't partake in club activities. This is clearly reflected in some of their grades and is decreasing our school's reputation and high quality standard. What are your thoughts on the matter?

???: well , we could always put in place disciplinary measures for anyone who gets below a score of four hundred or an average of eighty , this would not only mitigate the amount of students who waste time but also promote more studying to meet the required exam scores thus solving the issue indirectly

???: that would be a great solution but you haven't taken into account the student athletes, remember they are representing our school and spending most of their time training and practicing. Wouldn't it be unfair for them who has less time on hand for studies to be placed under the same academic regulations as those who loiter or don't partake in club activities?

Hitomi: that's true, however it would also be unfair if both athletes and non-athlete has different grade requirements because in the end , they attend the same classes and learn the same things, to get good grades it's all up to time management, so I agree with both of your views and I have decided that I'll work with this method however at a lower average of 75 which will make it easier to meet for everyone. Does that work for you guys?

???: yes , president

Hitomi: okay good , on to the next issue –

(Sachiko opens the door)

Sachiko: good afternoon, I'm so sorry for being late, I was held back in class, taking notes , did I miss anything?

Hitomi: not much, we just started

Sachiko: oh I see , then that's good

Hitomi: were you successful with the task I gave you a while back when you first join

(Sachiko): a task? Wait does she means getting Tetsuo to join the student council?

Hitomi: judging by your expression I would say that you haven't

Hitomi: can you two please step out for a bit, I'd like to have a talk with our vice president

???: yes president

(??? Leaves the room)

Hitomi: those two boys has been contributing greatly to the school's cause, devoting time and effort to solve concerns of students and their parents. I'm glad that I scouted them, they are clearly making the difference that this school need

Sachiko: yes , you're right

Hitomi: now then, why do you think Tetsuo didn't want to join the student council?

Sachiko: well I honestly think that there is no real reason, he's just genuinely not interested in this kind of thing. I tried to convince him to join on multiple occasions however ninety percent of the time I didn't even get a response. It's hard to believe but we never had a proper conversation since the beginning of the semester, he also ignores me. If I may also add , he's now apart of the basketball team which will make it impossible now to sway him.

Hitomi: I see, I have been saving an important position for him in the council but we need that spot to be filled soon or a lot of issues may arise. So here's what, this will be the last time I ask you to convince him to join. Try any means necessary to do so, we need him to serve this school to our full potential.

Sachiko: should I go now or?

Hitomi: yes go ahead, he should be at training right now which will make it a whole lot easier

Sachiko: yes

Yukio: Tetsuo catch

(Tetsuo fakes a three pointer)

(Hayato jumps)

(Hayato): crap he got me

(Tetsuo passes to Takahiro)

(Takahiro goes for a Layup)

(Liam blocks Takahiro)

(Takahiro): damn this guy is like a wall, I can't score on him

(Yukio passes to Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo drives to the rim)

( Tetsuo goes for a layup)

(Liam attempts to block)

(Tetsuo passes to Yukio)

(Yukio shoots a layup)


Nanaho: nice work everyone

(Sachiko): so they are in the middle of training now huh

???: nice pass Tetsuo

???: nice shoot Yukio

???: they are so cool

???: yeah I know

(Sachiko): what's with these girls? And how can she boldly call Tetsuo by his first name?

Nanaho: alright, let's resume that play once more

Sachiko: excuse me

Nanaho: oh, you're the new vice president of the student council, Sachiko Takahashi right?

Sachiko: yeah, that's me

Nanaho: so what brings you hear?

Sachiko: well I came here to discuss something with Kawaguchi, mind if I borrow him for a bit

Nanaho: not at all, go ahead

Tetsuo: we are in the middle of practice, come back another time

Nanaho: I see no problem with you leaving training for a couple of minutes so go ahead , Tetsuo

(Tetsuo sighs and followed Sachiko)

(Noboru): trying to play hard to get aren't we Tetsuo

Tetsuo: What do you want?

Sachiko: well, I came here on behalf of the student council president, Hitomi Yoshida, she is asking you once more to become a member of the council

Tetsuo: I thought that I made myself clear the last time she asked, I don't want nothing to do with the student council and besides I'm sure all of you know that I play basketball now and I'm not going to give it up just to please her

Sachiko: But-

Tetsuo: if that's all you came here to ask then I'm heading back to training

(Tetsuo turns around and started walking away)

Sachiko: wait

(Tetsuo stops)

Sachiko: the student council helps the students solve issues and foster a better environment for learning , so I view it as more important than basketball, however, you might be thinking the same as it pertains to basketball. So I have a proposal, show me how to play the game and teach me everything there is to know and if I find it fascinating, I'll stop asking you to join the student council

Tetsuo: (sigh) , fine, be sure to listen carefully because I won't repeat myself

Sachiko: yes

(Sachiko): this is the first time I've ever had a proper conversation with him without being ignored that kind of makes me happy in a way

(Liam slam dunks the basketball)

Noboru: you're a freaking monster, you know that?

Liam: yeah, you say that every time I dunk

Shino: what's up with Tetsuo, it's not like him to go out of his way and do things like this for anyone

Hayato: I didn't know that Tetsuo and the vice president were dating

Takahiro: yeah me either, I'm a bit surprised that he had a girlfriend with his personality

Nanaho: quit your gossiping and get back to training, or do you all want to run with the track team today?

Everyone: no thank you!!

Tetsuo: listen carefully

Tetsuo: this is a Layup

(Tetsuo scores a layup)

Tetsuo: this is a free throw

(Tetsuo shoots a free throw)


Tetsuo: this is a jump shot

(Tetsuo shoots a three pointer )


(Tetsuo bounces the basketball)

Tetsuo: This is what we call dribbling, we use it to move from around the court and if we don't it's called traveling or carry

(Tetsuo throws the ball on the backboard)

(Tetsuo grabs the ball out of the air)

Tetsuo: this is a rebound

Tetsuo: and as you can see over there, my teammate is guarding each other, that is called defense

Tetsuo: those are the most basic movements and actions in basketball , any questions?

Sachiko: no

(Sachiko): I didn't know that basketball was this complex and complicated, I thought is was a game where you throw a ball into a net

Sachiko: can you show me how to shoot?

Tetsuo: yes

(Tetsuo passes the basketball to Sachiko)

Tetsuo: show me how you'd shoot

(Sachiko goes into a weird shooting stance)

(Tetsuo walks over)

Tetsuo: your hand is all over the place

(Tetsuo fixed her hand position on the ball)

Tetsuo: straighten yourself there is no need to be limping over

(Tetsuo straightens her posture)

Tetsuo: Alright now bend your knees for power and relax your shoulders

(Tetsuo goes behind Sachiko to fix her form once more)

(Sachiko): he's so close (blushes)

Tetsuo: Alright now, shoot the ball but in a single motion and remember to flick your wrist

Sachiko: y. Yes

(Sachiko shoots)


(Sachiko): it went in

Sachiko: you're a good teacher Kawaguchi

Tetsuo: I'm going to resume my training if you want to stay and watch you can join those girls up there

(Sachiko): don't categorize me with those fan girls jerk

Noboru: your really something Tetsuo

Tetsuo: what do you mean?

Noboru: don't worry about it

(Tetsuo passes the basketball to Yukio)

(Liam guards him in the post)

(Yukio passes to Takahiro)

(Takahiro fakes and got by Noboru)

(Takahiro goes up for a layup)

(Liam attempts to block)

(Takahiro passes to Tetsuo)

(Tetsuo shoots a three pointer)


Yukio: nice shot Tetsuo

Takahiro: these chumps got nothing on us, even if they have Liam on their team

Yukio: let's keep this up and go all the way to the inter high

Tetsuo: yes

(Sachiko): I can see why Haruko loves basketball now, it's not just about the sport but the people you train hard and play with and the time that you spend with each other , basketball is fun

( Sachiko walks off)

Sachiko: I guess I'll stop asking then