Today we match out to fight against the beasts of darkness,the demon race whom persecute and oppress us, and I just want to tell you all to fight with all your might and power for this war will go down in history.... And it will be more glorious if we the human race win.. said a man wearing a golden armor with long brown hair and red iris having a very masculine appearance
"The king Leonidas is approaching the stage"...As the man stops talking and leaves the stage for the King to come and speak
Thank you all, as you have heard from the General of the knight order "Dixon" this war will go down in history so fight to bring victory to the human race... Also before I leave the Hero "Damian"and his party has a vital message that they which to pass.... as the king leaves the stage
Good day, sorry soldiers of the human race,the hero does not wish to speak so I will be doing so on his behalf
Well then as you all know I am the leuitenant to the Hero Mathias Damian chosen by the goddess to protect the human race,my name is RUDEN MAXWELL ..... And I just want to tell you all that we the hero and his party will do our extreme best to lead the human race to victory as ordained by the goddess. Thank you
As he finished speaking the soldiers began to shout as they matched out to fight against the DEMON RACE
My Lord,news just came in that the human race has advanced to the dark mountains and will soon enter our boarder
Hmmm... So now they wish to fight, I hope there ready. Zepar send a small unit to keep them busy
Yes, Lord I will do that immediately as he leaves with haste
Hmm why are the humans waging war now, do they have something they wish to achieve, Well nevertheless as long as I will get to witness the power of the goddess chosen "The sacred one"
Men keep watch we are currently in the dark mountain and should be expecting anything at this point... said Dixon who surveyed the area as they matched forward
"HAAAA!"shouted a soldier whom got shot a poisonous arrow
There here, guys don't show mercy according to what the goddess has revealed to me this demons are strong but I don't want you to get tired before the real fight.... Damian said to his party secretly before leaving their midst
Okay then by the way a huge amount of demon soldiers are fast approaching.... said Maxwell who used his foresight power to see into the future for some seconds
Alright men get ready, we charge forward in 3..... 2.... 1,"Go!"... said Dixon as they clashed blade with the demon army
Inferno soldiers... said Dixon who summons numerous burning soldiers that charge out to eradicate demon soldiers
Roan did you sense the aurora around Damian when he was warning us it looks like he is serious well then that means we can't slack of... said a member of the heroes party
Yeah Freya your right, come on let's show this demons what the eight members of the heroes party are capable of
Lightning field, well then let's make it epic "Water field"... said Zoha who merged his attack with Zora is twin brother ... STATIC TORRENT...they said causing a massive explosion
Wow look at them go well then Roan let's help them out
Alright Drake... said Roan as they dashed out to the battlefield
Cover me Roan
Alright Earth barrier as Drake summons numerous hurricanes of small size that flew to the direction of the demon army and destroyed them
Wow I am energized and can't wait to fight Gwen
Don't worry I'll support you Warwick so you can fight with full force
Warwick,Gwen don't go out now remember we are the top three in the hero party if we fight before the main demons comes out it will be a same on the image of the goddess
Seriously Maxwell, .... sometimes I wish I wasn't even part of this top three ..Warwick said as he watches the battle
The human race are quite strong due to the assistance of the hero and his party at this rate all this demon soldiers with die a miserable death
I Zepar can't let that happen, Heegathi send a report back to the demon Lord, and don't worry I will hold them off
"Haaaaaaa!," Zepar shouts as he releases a large aurora that attracts the attention of the hero
Him, should I fight him.... said Damian as he asked the goddess
"Yes, I shall protect you...don't be afraid"as he stands in the midst of;Maxwell, Gwen and Warwick saying it's time for us to fight
What happened Damian are you going out to fight.... asked Warwick in disbelieve
Maxwell when we kill Zepar the general of the demon Lord army immediately summon a spatial gate and get us out of there instantly
Yes Damian I understand
Honestly I trust and believe in the three of you.... said Damian in a low tone
Alright flame ignite... As of right now you are going to be our target Zepar... as the hero and the top three charges out
Dark slash.. as numerous black slashes appear from all areas dealing physical damage to Damian who uses flames to heal his injuries
Severing climate ....said Warwick as the surrounding areas crumbled ... This spell was limited to Zepar as he was trapped inside a cube created by Gwen
Ha I like you,but I won't go down easily....zepar said as he covered himself with darkness
it's sad that you won't survive this attack,but honestly I would have loved to play with you all.... Demons PRIDE
As the surrounding area began to draw all the human close by into the depths of the earth
Nice spell but we don't have that time....said the hero and the top three who where save by Maxwell with his spatial gate
Seeing the outcome if that spell then you've used a lot of your mana...said Warwick
Your fault is that you rely mainly on brute force....said Gwen
This is the perfect time for us to use our combo Damian.... Warwick said as they raised there hands saying" Severing sun"
What is this I can feel a huge power like that of the demon Lord coming from this mere humans no it can't be possible
As a huge artificial sun appear in the night sky laying waste to zepar
Spatial gate... said Maxwell as he teleports Damian and the others away enabling them to dodge a beam that would have eradicated them
Thank you Maxwell, Guys come back we have to prepare before they..... Ho no there already here
Bingo.. said Beel(DEMON KING OF GLUTTONY)who appears at the front of Damian ready to attack him
Divine barrier... said Gwen who instantly protects all the humans on the battlefield
Thank you Gwen, it looks like there here the Demon Lord and the 7 Demon kings
So we're is the hero that everyone has been talking about, said a man with a Dearing voice four large black wings and a beautiful red horn wearing a black cloak that covered her facial appearance
I can feel a large amount of aurora coming from that demon could that be....
The Demon Lord... Yes it is the goddess replied
I am the hero ordained by the goddess and who might you be, are you the demon of isolation or perhaps the demon of mischief
How dare you insult the Demon Lord, you mere mortal said the DEMON KING OF WRATH Natas as he dashed towards the hero just to get his left hand cut of by Warwick
My hand how come,it got cut off by a mere balde ...he said as he turns staring at Warwick who instantly trembles
It seems like there weapons are blessed by some spell by the goddess of humanity,But that can't stop me as his hand regenerates
Come on we can take them down and bring Victory to the human race
Said the hero as his party members stand besides him
Holy goddess bless us and guide us once more .....said Damian as a huge white light descended shining on the hero party
Members let's end the life of this demons.... said Damian as they e dash towards the Demon Lord
Where do you think you are going said Natas who summons a dark wall as beams came out from the wall attacking the hero party who nearly manages to withstand his diverse attacks
Lightning Golem said Roan and Zora who combine there attacks to bring down the wall
Hmm your quite strong that means I can't joke around with you...Night hunt... Natas said as he cracks his neck bone he begins to grow in size summoning extra hands as he shouts..... Get ready to feel my might
Chaos ....said Natas as a huge dark wave was released throughout the battlefield dealing damage to all the humans
Eternal tree....said Freya who covers the severely injured humans with healing magic
Uproar!... Natas said as he stomps his feet on the war ground causing a massive earth quake that kills but human and demon soldiers
As Warwick uses the rocks in the air to boost himself towards Natas ... Who hits him with a massive punch
BAM!... As Warwick colides with the floor
Ha hmmm it's time to end this Natas said a he raises his feet to step on the unconscious Warwick
Squashed like a bug..... Hmmm wait why do I feel like my leg is burning up
As he is pushed from the ground to the air by Damian who immediately jumps and raises his sword covered in golden flame which he used to stab Satan's six hearts in an instant
Nice trick but who do you take me for mortal said Natas who holds him and swings him on the air
At this rate we will all die in 54 minutes time ...Maxwell saw into the future as he searches for an alternative
That's it the only way,this has to be it for the sake of humanity as tears gather in his eyes
The looks up saying "Ho supreme goddess use me as your vessel"..... instantly Maxwellw as transformed
Looks like they aren't joking any more... Said Natas who witnesses this
Maxwell looks at his blade and smile as he says"I the Goddess of humanity will eradicate the leaders of the threats to humanity my people"
Ha youcan't save them from us... Said Mammion who summons a black whole at the back of Maxwell that slowly draws him into it
Looks like she is struggling not to enter the black whole that's quite nice . said Leviathan who uses her wipes of the abyss to continuously wipe Maxwell everywhere in his body
I the goddess of humanity is no match for you demon Kings
What is this ... said Azmo THE DEMON KING OF LUST in disbelieve as his neck is immediately held by the goddess who squashes it with her bare hands
Now I have you where u want you... said Leviathan who holds the goddess with her wipe
I can't be held by the boundary of darkness... said the goddess as the wipes begin to burn
Divine sun Artemis... said the goddess as everywhere turns white
What the light is too bright ... said Levi THE DEMON KING OF ENVY as her six hearts are painfully stabbed one by one
"Beel Lucci Maion let's attack him at once... said Bel THE DEMON KING OF SLOTH as they all dash out together but are affected by the bright white light
If your searching for me I am right here .. said the goddess as she moves in their midst
Where exactly are you,hmmm you call yourself the goddess and here you are using schemes to face us,what a weakling... said Lucci in a threatening tone
Well that weakling is right behind you... those were the words whispered into Lucci's ears as he turns around and immediately stabs the person at his back
Who was that ... Said Maion as he falls down on the ground due to the fact that he was stabbed in his heart by Lucci
You killed your own man quite sad .. said the goddess whom pushes Beel towards Lucci
Ghastly slash/Dark beam they chorused as they kill each other
Hmm, why do you sit and watch me kill your commrades... asked the goddess as she stood in front of the Demon Lord who stood before her
Why .. you ask well it's simply because I have become tired of living and ruling the demon race
Then why do you reign chaos on my people the goddess asked
You think I reign chaos said the demon Lord as he laughs the next demon Lord after me won't reign chaos "HE WILL BE CHAOS HIMSELF ' said the Demon Lord as was outshined by the Holy light of the goddess
The war against the demon was futile we lost some great men but we won said king Leonidas
As they celebrated their victory