10 years after the grand war where the demon Lord alongside the 7demon kings fell.The elders of the demon race came together to ordain a new demon Lord who will rule over the demon race
In a black huge ruined temple 9 old looking humans gather at the top of the temple as they begin a brief discussion
As we all know the demon Lord passed away during the war and ever since then the human race has had domain over our race, and it can't continue like this..... So that is why I have taken it upon myself to elect a new demon lord but they can't be done without our concert
Yes we all understand but don't you think it will be risky being that the strong demons of our race died alongside the demon Lord and the demon kings
What of the upcoming demons from the dark high
Yes you are indeed right they will make a fine demon lord
Well I will suggest Inferno Raden the top of the Beast demon high school(BDHS), I mean he may lack in attack power but reigns supreme in brain power
Yes but what of "Worus Ragan" the son of the previous demon of war who attendeds theDark Demon high school(DDHS)...
Wo!... Well you are a little bit right looking at the fact that he could fight head on with the demon kings without obtaining servere injuries and is know for being very smart
But what of Heldris Abalnuz the demon who is known across the demon realm for his magic and is an exceptional best in the Abyss Demon high school (ADHS)
Well what do you say about that grand elder ... as the elder speaking turns to a very old looking human who wore a completely red and black colored robe
I don't see why not they all fit for the position but to be sure why don't we organise a grand tourment which we the 9 elders of the demon race will use to select the new demon lord and demon kings... said the grand elder as he ends the meeting
Before leaving he tells the other 8 elders to pass the word about the tournament across the demon realm
In a huge monstrous building numerous numbers of human like monsters are seen on an hall inside the school where they performed there usual a activities
Good day students.... said a man who enters the class ... Alright then it seems like you all are ready for today's exam
Well you will be having your final exams which are familiar battle, Fighting class, Mama pole/aurora compression, Written exam on the history of the past demon lords
But before that I just wish to inform you all that a grand tournament will be held by the 9 elders for the post of the following.... as he reads from a flying scroll
1 The Demon Lord
2 The 7 Demon Kings
3 The Demon army general
4The 10 Commandments
5 The Demon Lord guardian
As he finish reading it the scroll holds and vanishes..... If you wish to take part in the tournament come and register your names with me.Then without waiting time let's begin our first exam. .. said the man as he teleports them to the familiar battle ground
Alright then let's begin, Ragan versus Juxor... and remember your grade is determined by your performance... Alright begin
As Juxor Yuri nda summoning a large snake with legs like that of a centipede as the familiar speats out green poisonous saliva
Ahhhhhh, good grief but sorry I don't have time to pay with you"VENIX".... said ragan who summons a large dragon with four horns having spikes all around it's body and flames and the tip of its tail
Wow that's Ragan familiar alright, I am so happy I didn't go up against him... said Nebuluk who stood at the side line watching the fight
Juxor is so lucky, he gets to witness the power of VENIX Ragans familiar... said Gariod who stood close to Hellatan a they observed the battle
BURN.. said Ragan as Venixs legs begin to manifest flames that burns Juxors familiar to ashes
WOW ! that was truly amazing alright next.....
Dasur.... Hozan... Blazing furnace... Mist... Earth quake ... Aquamatic charm
Okay after organizing the exam Ragan came first, Nebuluk second, Gariod third, Rania fourth and Hellatan fifth
Alright now to the next exam the Fighting class .... Gariod versus Nebuluk
Shadow Hunt .. said Gariod as he summons numerous shadows that attack Nebuluk
Vortex... Nebuluk says as he summons a barrier/fortress of wind around him as he shout atmospheric pause.... As he stops the flow of oxygen around Gariod who faints due to this skill
Ragan and Harfaon
Earth gol.... said Harfaon before being getting his head bashed on the ground by Ragan as he leaves his body on the ground
Rania and Hellatan
Earth prism.... said Hellatan a he traps Rania who uses a spiral water beam to break Hellatans prism and attack him knocking him out on the ground
Okay after organizing the exam Ragan came first, Nebuluk second, Rania third, Quilix fourth and Heegathi fifth
The next exam will be the writting exam since there isn't much to do in the aurora compression exam.... As he teleports them to the class where they have only 2 hrs to write the history of all the past demon lords
Alright submit the time is up
Hey Ragan how you to think that we are done with school wow that's nice.... said Nebuluk as they see Rania, Gariod and Hellatan coming out of the hall
How was it?... asked Ragan
How was it , it was tough I was even wondering what you wrote
Hey Hellatan what do you mean by that I wrote about the past 87 demon Lords
87 dude we have 90 past demon Lords and not 87... said Gariod
What Gariod we have 87 past demon lords were did you add the remaining other 3 from... said Rania who laughed at him
Then by the way about what Mr zero said in class today why don't we all enroll for the tournament.. Ragan suggested
Yeah your right well we will meet him after collecting or final certificate files... said Hellatan as his all laughed and began teasing one another