Ascending Dragon Dumplings & Director (2-in-1)

A dragon is a sacred and majestic symbol!

In the Heavenly Dynasty culture, it represents power, dignity, honor, and more.

Ascending Dragon Dumplings are inspired by the dragon's image. Through clever craftsmanship and meticulous decoration, they have become a very unique dish.

In many cuisines, their presentation combines ingredients, colors, composition, and more elements.

They may use herbs, fruits, vegetables for arrangement, along with metal or wooden utensils to enhance the natural appeal of the dish.

However, these are merely enhancements for the visual effect, making the dish more appealing!

Compared to these aesthetically pleasing dishes, what makes Ascending Dragon Dumplings unique is its dynamic beauty.

Yes, Ascending Dragon Dumplings are dumplings that actually "move"!

And the mystery behind this seemingly complex dish is using two different-density dumpling skins.

During steaming, the skin's different expansion rates cause the entire dumpling to "move."

"How interesting, it seems to be a special recipe."

"Many of them are from the 'Chuuka Ichiban' world!"

Recalling the original plot during the Guangzhou Dumpling Competition, Liu used this dish called "Ascending Dragon Dumplings" to outshine the Dumpling Brothers' "Giant Dragon Dumplings" and successfully won the championship.

Therefore, in Zane's perspective, this dish might be more impressive compared to the previously Reincarnated Spring Rolls!

Stretching lazily, Zane tidied up after the excitement, then went straight to bed.


At the same time, in Erina's room.

A beam of pure moonlight gently shone through the window on her lovely sleeping face.

Everything in the room seemed peaceful and serene, but tonight, a nightmare was quietly looming!

Erina's body began trembling in the darkness, her breathing becoming faster, as if an unknown fear was closing in on her.

Suddenly, a terrifying voice rang next to her ear.

The voice was deep and sinister: "Erina, you are my most outstanding creation, you must obey me, come, come to me..."

She wanted to scream in terror, but her throat seemed blocked, making her unable to produce any sound.

Then, she saw a figure emerge from the darkness.

 That was the demon that she would never forget in her lifetime, with its eyes constantly flickering with an evil light, and a cruel smile hanging on its lips!

Finally, it reached out sharp claws towards Erina, wanting to firmly grab her in its hand.

Seeing this, Erina tried desperately to escape, but her body was frozen in fear, unable to move.

At that moment, in her despair, she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"Zane, quickly... help me..."

"Oh, why am I having a nightmare?"

Erina woke up from her sleep, realizing her body was trembling.

Moreover, her hands were very cold, and her fingertips were numb.

The nightmare's images continued to echo in her mind, the demon's image vivid, unforgettable.

In agony, she closed her eyes, trying to drive away the terrifying images, but the demon lingered in her mind like a ghost, unable to be banished, causing her to shiver, even feeling a painful sting in her breath!

Maybe, at this moment of waking up.

Erina longed for someone by her side to comfort her, seeking a safe place.

However, the empty room only heightened her sense of fear even more.

Helpless, she pulled back the covers, quickly tidied up, put on a white chef's uniform, and headed to her spacious kitchen.

In one corner of the kitchen, there was a large freezer, from which she took out a frozen sea bream.

"Although it's frozen, the meat isn't very fresh."

"But for practicing Reincarnation Spring Rolls, it will do!"

Then, she followed Zane's method and started making a Reincarnation Spring Roll dish, excluding his extreme method of heating the knife to handle the sea bream.

Time is a fluid that everyone cannot grasp.

It passes silently, flowing through everyone's lives incessantly.

Finally, as Erina took a bite of the just-made Reincarnation Spring Roll, she felt a particularly nauseating sensation.

And this feeling grew stronger, making her extremely uncomfortable.

Helplessly, Erina had to spit out the Reincarnation Spring Roll she just bit into!

"Indeed, am I unable to replicate his dish perfectly again?"

"Is it because the freshness of the sea bream isn't as good as when Zane prepared it on the spot?"


"There are many more reasons."

"So late, Erina, you're still not asleep?"

Surprisingly, at that moment, an elderly gentleman appeared behind her.

His face was creased with wrinkles, hair very white, but his deeply set eyes were sharp and bright, giving him a particular wise look.

Upon closer inspection, one could notice a scar near his right eye, making him appear even more fierce.

Despite this weathered face, marked with the wrinkles of time, when facing Erina, he exuded kindness and affection!

"Grandpa, I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep."

"So I had to get up and cook, because only when I'm busy, I won't think too much!"

Looking back at the Director Senzaemon Nakiri behind her, Erina explained.

"Sigh, you're really suffering!"

Senzaemon sighed deeply upon hearing this.


"What about you?"

"It's so late, why aren't you resting?"

"Currently, it's graduation season, and I'm so busy every day dealing with the graduation issues, how can I possibly sleep?"

Saying this, Senzaemon felt deeply helpless.

It couldn't be helped, as there was no one to succeed the Nakiri family now.

Completely lacking a strong, young individual to take his place.

Subsequently, the attentive Director began to feel curious about the dish Erina prepared, glancing slightly at the plate of Reincarnation Spring Rolls on the table, but was taken aback!

When did Erina become interested in such commoner dishes?


 Chapter 41: Director

Taking back his gaze, the Director focused his attention on Erina's pretty face.

For whatever reason, her attempt at making carp spring rolls tonight was enough to make him feel very pleased!

Ever since more than ten years ago, the entire Nakiri family had experienced a series of changes, forcing this white-haired old man to continue holding the power.

Just maintaining the position and influence of the large family almost cost him his life.

Therefore, seeing Erina growing up sensible, brought some relief to him.

After all, for the Nakiri family, he really needed a capable assistant and a successor.

Later, after contemplating for a while, he leaned back in his chair, waiting for Erina to speak, and finally asked slowly, "Are you developing a new dish recently?"


"Grandpa, take a look."

"These are spring rolls made with real carp."

"The inspiration, no, should say its prototype, came from the owner of a pub."

"After tasting the Reincarnation Spring Rolls he made, I felt extremely impressed, so I decided to use the power of the God Tongue to perfectly replicate this dish myself."

"But as you can see, this dish has exceeded the range that the God Tongue can perceive!"


"According to you."

"A spring roll dish that can even conquer your God Tongue?"

The Director's face slightly changed.


The God Tongue.

In the past ten years, it has always been a topic that lasted!

First, it was Mana Nakiri, who couldn't bear the curse of the God Tongue and chose to leave home.

Then, deeply stimulated, Azami Nakiri began using a different approach to "correct" Erina's God Tongue ability.

The result was predictable, and he walked down a path of no return.

When the Director discovered him, Azami was directly expelled from Totsuki Culinary Academy, and all information about him was deliberately erased!

The curse of the God Tongue had changed the whole Nakiri family more than a decade ago.

It was as if a complete mirror had been broken, and no matter how restored or repaired, it would leave a deep crack.

What was more despairing was that facing the curse of the God Tongue, the Director, hailed as the "Food Demon King," also felt powerless.

He could only watch the tragedy unfold, unable to change anything with his own power.

Of course, for the Director responsible for the fate of the entire family.

To prevent Erina, who also had the God Tongue ability, from repeating her mother Mana's fate.

Over the years, he had made many efforts and spent a lot of energy searching for a dish that could break the curse of the God Tongue!

But the outcome seemed predetermined.

In this world, there was no one who could conquer the God Tongue with cooking!


"Grandpa, are you listening?"

"That pub owner, Zane, is truly a chef with impeccable character and ability!"

"I hope you can personally hire him as a professor at our Totsuki Culinary Academy."

"I believe, and I can assure you in front of you, as long as there is him at Totsuki Culinary Academy, the overall strength will definitely advance to a higher level."

At this moment, looking at the commander with a surprised look, Erina knew it was necessary to explain this matter in detail.

So, in front of him, Erina began to talk non-stop.

Sometimes she talked about how Zane used leftover ingredients to create miraculous Western fast food that completely changed the taste of the ingredients; sometimes she talked about how he made extremely delicious Reincarnation Spring Rolls through unexpected methods!

She talked about overcoming the challenges from the clientele at the pub with his cooking.

In short, each sentence complimented Zane.

She almost wanted to praise Zane to her grandfather as a monster in the sky and on the ground, no, as a once-in-a-century super genius!

Throughout Erina's emotional narration, the Director felt puzzled but wisely chose to remain silent, letting Erina continue speaking.

Occasionally, he would even be stunned for a long time by Erina's narration.

Although there might be some exaggeration, hearing about the mysterious pub owner who could miraculously create beef burgers, fish and chips, and brownie chocolate from toasted bread, tofu dregs, and rice bran, making Erina's God Tongue perceive them as delicious!

Finally, this knowledgeable Director couldn't help but feel a bit complicated.

He realized that whenever Zane was mentioned, Erina could hide her original disdain for common cuisine, giving him a glimpse of the truth!


"Grandpa, aren't you paying attention?"

"That pub owner, Zane, can conquer the God Tongue, so I believe his true strength must be immeasurable!"

 "That tavern's Chef Zane is truly an exceptional chef in terms of character and skills!"

"I hope you can personally go and hire him as a professor at our Totsuki Culinary Academy."

"I believe and can assure you that with his presence at Totsuki Culinary Academy, the overall strength will definitely improve."

At this point, as the director looked absent-minded, like pondering something, Erina, who was speaking without pause, quickly got to the point and honestly explained her purpose in praising Zane so much.

"After all that talk, you want him to come to Totsuki Culinary Academy!"

Pausing, the director finally understood his granddaughter's intention.

If everything Erina said was true, the fact that Chef Zane could conquer God's Tongue with some leftover ingredients meant that his true strength was unfathomable!

Unlike a five-star hotel, he is currently running a tavern.

So he cannot rely on expensive dishes as his signature, otherwise, he would lose the regular customers who lead a frugal life.

In other words, facing mostly ordinary people as customers, he naturally can only make some common dishes!

"Interesting, a chef who can excel in conquering the God's Tongue with common dishes. So, making noble dishes that even ordinary people find difficult to aspire to... isn't that..."

Fully realizing the seriousness of the situation, the director stroked his beard and said with deep meaning. 

"Grandpa, didn't I tell you?"

"He made Reincarnation Spring Rolls with dace fish, and I believe that dish should be classified as noble cuisine."

"After all, this dish has a mysterious aspect; it emits a light at the moment it is served."

Erina explained again.


"Is it possible that they added some fluorescent powder?"

"No, at first, I thought they added something, but it turns out the dish itself emits light!"



The director was completely stunned, feeling amazed!


This is going to be the last 2-in-1 chapter in a while. I translate 2 other fics meaning if I were to translate 4 chapters from this, 2 chapters from my football fic, and 1 from my Marvel fic, I'd be translating 7 chapters a day. I feel as if I cannot maintain quality if I translate this much so for now, I'll be translating just 2 single chapters a day. Thank you. Make sure to give more power stones!