
The night deepened!

The road resembled a calm river, winding through dense shadows of trees.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves softly.

A cup of mild sake might not erase all troubles, but it often soothes a restless heart.

"Leonora, have you gotten used to living at Totsuki these days?" the Director asked quietly after setting down his sake cup.

"The lifestyle in Japan is quite different from Northern Europe, and I'm slowly adapting," she replied calmly from the soft sofa. "But I'm very happy to be living with my daughter."

"Oh!" The Director nodded, his gaze deepening. "I heard you visited the tavern to see Alice and the others?"

"Yes, on the first night of the internship, I went to the tavern," Leonora confirmed, recounting everything she observed at the tavern, especially the performances of Erina, Alice, and Yuuki.


Leonora hadn't known much about Totsuki before returning just before the Autumn Selection. Over two months of living there, she gained a deeper understanding of Japan's top culinary academy.

Totsuki Academy, she thought, was full of hidden depths, where any mistake could lead to drastic changes.

As the culinary devil and the most influential figure in Japan's culinary world, the Director's position was deeply rooted in Totsuki, hiding enormous power behind the scenes.

In theory, no one could shake his position!

But don't forget.

Totsuki's educational system inevitably created irreconcilable conflicts among students.

The Totsuki Elite Ten, representing the highest power, appeared to directly serve the Director, managing all affairs and evaluations within the academy.

Even lecturers and professors like Chapelle and Ryoko had to follow their decisions.

This excessive power could sow the seeds of future trouble!

One thing was certain: the future of Totsuki would be tumultuous, with overt and covert struggles. For Erina and Alice, this presented an opportunity.

Especially Erina, with her God's Tongue ability, she might shine in times of chaos and even replace Senzaemon.


"Director, with the current undercurrents, perhaps you've realized it long ago. Is that why you sent Erina and Alice to intern at the tavern?" Leonora's sharp eyes fixed on the Director. "If I'm not mistaken, you've been considering passing the Director's position to Erina?"

The Director smiled wryly and nodded. "You saw through me. I indeed have thoughts of stepping down."

"Actually, I've always had a better candidate in mind than Erina."

"I think you know who I'm talking about."

"Zane?" Leonora was surprised.

"Yes, but he seems uninterested in Totsuki's affairs."

"Maybe he foresaw the changes coming to Totsuki and didn't want to get involved," the Director said meaningfully.

"Never expected this from you, Director…"

"Surprised?" he chuckled. "Sometimes, breaking the rules is better."

"Leaving the family's future to someone without our bloodline might not be a bad idea."

"If I had understood this earlier, Erina wouldn't have faced such turmoil."

The Director fell silent for a moment.

"True," Leonora responded.

"They're both my granddaughters. Seeing them grow and mature bit by bit makes me happy."

"No matter what changes come, they are our last hope!"


Speaking of imperial cuisine, people often think of luxurious dishes like abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, and bird's nest.

Most imagine royal banquets as excessively lavish, but there's a simple imperial dish:

Jade Tofu Soup!

Of course.

The name sounds fancy, but it's just a simple cabbage and tofu soup.

This dish is famous due to a well-known historical story.

It's said that Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, once fled to Huizhou after a defeat.

Hungry, he sent his followers to find food, but they only found some leftover rice, tofu, and vegetables.


They boiled these ingredients into a soup for Zhu Yuanzhang.

Unexpectedly, he found the soup delicious and asked what it was.

His followers called it "Jade (leftover rice) Tofu Soup (cabbage and tofu)."

Later, when Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, he missed the dish despite the luxurious food available. But by then, the simple dish no longer tasted as special.

Thus, Jade Tofu Soup gained a special meaning!


On the chopping board were fresh, tender tofu blocks wrapped in a layer of cloth.

When unwrapped, they released steam, and when cut into pieces, the tofu was particularly tender and white, almost like a young girl's skin, inviting imagination!

The fresh tofu was then placed into boiling water, where it floated and sank with the bubbles. The cooking process was simple.

Soon, the aroma of tofu filled the tavern.

The heat swirled around.

The green of the cabbage and the white of the tofu were clear and distinct.

Serving it required care, using a spatula to scoop the tofu and soup into a bowl, creating a smooth and fragrant dish.

The tender tofu trembled slightly in the bowl, evoking sympathy!



"This Jade Tofu Soup looks so appetizing," Rindo exclaimed, inhaling deeply.

Visually, this cabbage and tofu soup was light and clear, with little oil and salt, and the broth was as pure as jade.

But the aroma was rich, with a touch of vegetable fragrance, making it very soothing.

Just lifting a piece with chopsticks revealed that the white cabbage stems were translucent, showing their fullness and beauty!

Especially with the aroma hitting her senses, Rindo felt a wave of excitement.



"Such common ingredients can make such a delicious soup?" she marveled.

Indeed, in her eyes, Zane's culinary skills were unparalleled.

To make Jade Tofu Soup, one simply had to boil some ingredients together.

Even the best chefs couldn't innovate much with such a simple dish!

But Zane was different; he altered the original recipe, using rice, tofu, and cabbage.

And the tofu he used was unlike the egg tofu commonly found in Japan.


Rindo was full of anticipation for this Jade Tofu Soup!


There was cabbage.

There was tofu.

And there was warm soup.

The simple colors were very appetizing.

The milky white broth, the pale yellow cabbage, and the tender tofu made for a very visually pleasing combination.

Taking a small spoonful of soup, it was fresh, smooth, and sweet.


It truly was…

A relief after rich food!

Then, a piece of tofu, with its smooth texture, was unmatched by other tofu.

The delicate and tender tofu was a joy to eat, and the crisp, slightly sweet cabbage.

Just one bite seemed to erase all the day's troubles, making her feel very content!

"So sweet."

"This tofu is so tender, with a rich soybean flavor."

"And the cabbage and tofu complement each other perfectly; the tofu is juicy, and the cabbage is tender and refreshing."

"The broth is the best part, slightly sweet and clear."

"The feeling after eating it is indescribable with words."

At this moment, Rindo was deeply conquered by the mild and sweet taste of the Jade Tofu Soup.

The tender tofu melted in her mouth, creating a wonderful sensation!


Half an hour later.

Rindo finished the last drop of soup.

She patted her stomach, feeling that being full was one of life's greatest pleasures!

"You still eat so much," Zane laughed, seeing her belly swell like she was "ten months pregnant."

"I can't help it. A plate of Crown Dumplings isn't enough for me!"

"And I haven't been here in a while, so I had to have a big meal. I even came with an empty stomach…" Rindo blushed at Zane's surprised look.


"By the way."

"They seem very diligent and obedient here at the tavern," Rindo observed, watching Erina, Alice, and Yuuki busily working.


"Their internship performance is okay," Zane said lightly.

Rindo suddenly asked, "Zane, what is your goal? Do you just want to run this tavern all your life? Don't you want to become the greatest of this era, a leader, or even a reformer?"

Zane thought for a moment and shook his head, smiling. "I'm not interested in being the greatest. Whoever wants to be number one can go ahead!"

"As for running the tavern, it's just my job, my career."

Rindo nodded thoughtfully. From the first time she met Zane, she knew he wasn't a man chasing fame and fortune. His eyes.

And his aura, without a trace of arrogance, showed he had a peaceful heart.


In the future chaos.

What role would he play?

Would he be in control of everything?

"What is your goal? Just to live an ordinary life?" Rindo couldn't help but ask.

Zane pondered, a hint of confusion flashing in his eyes.


At that moment.

Many customers arrived at the tavern.

Following the orders, Zane quickly prepared curry beef hot pot!

The beef was pre-cooked, then added to a pot with curry paste.

Using the broth from the beef made the curry tastier, and the beef was especially tender.

Various seasonal vegetables were lightly fried before being added, making their surfaces slightly charred.

The specially made Japanese curry paste had a sweet and aromatic flavor, combined with the pre-cooked beef broth and the natural sweetness from the long-simmering vegetables.

Finally, adding unique coconut milk instantly elevated the flavor, keeping the sweet and fresh taste intact.

When the dish was served, Orie was almost drunk with joy!

She couldn't wait to eat a few bites, feeling a warm current spreading through her body!

Then, scooping a large spoonful over hot rice, it was even more satisfying.

Perhaps, in this mild season.

Eating a hot bowl of curry beef rice was a very happy thing!

"That's the taste."

"I really can't stay away from your curry dishes, Zane!"

Judging by Orie's satisfied expression, she genuinely loved Zane's cooking!

Since coming to the tavern, she couldn't sleep, thinking about Zane's dishes all the time!

So, tonight, she arranged this visit, bringing her sister, over a hundred HUB employees, and the Autumn Selection judges to the tavern!

"It's amazing!"

"This freshly fried tempura."

"Not greasy, crispy, and the first bite is stunning!"

At this moment, food critic and Autumn Selection judge Shingo Ando praised after tasting a piece of tempura.

"Yes, even this dorayaki is so soft with every bite."

"It's incredible how the delicate skin and smooth filling create such a wonderful taste."

Next to him, Osaji, the head of the Kita Culinary Club and also an Autumn Selection judge, smiled with satisfaction.


It was hard to imagine.

In this small tavern.

So many culinary and food industry bigwigs suddenly gathered.

The reason was the Sendawara sisters.

"How is it?"

"Master Zane, these hundred people are the management of HUB, brought here to support your business,"

"And with us are some Autumn Selection judges!"

Looking at the lively tavern, Orie batted her charming eyes and said deeply to Zane.


For 10 advance chapters: