Insights on Kaiseki Cuisine

Late at night, in a dimly lit conference room.

The walls around were painted a deep gray, matching the dark brown wooden conference table, giving the room a solemn and weighty atmosphere. Hanging above the table was a silver pendant lamp, casting a soft light that wasn't too harsh, but enough to create faint shadows on each person's face, making their expressions appear even more profound.

At this moment, every attendee was fully focused. Their eyes were all fixed on the masked boy sitting at the center of the table, their expressions varying.

Some had furrowed brows, as if pondering something significant; others had resolute gazes, revealing an unwavering determination; and there were those with tightly sealed lips, seemingly silently praying for this meeting to end soon.

Outside, the moonlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains, casting golden light spots across the room.

However, these light spots did little to warm the room. Instead, they added to the atmosphere's solemnity and coldness.


Sergeant Saji, the jester Malcant, the crimson executioner Claude Viller, the rampaging madam Bunnyhair, the king Tokiyama, Don Calma, Kōjisuwang, and... the boss of the Midnight Chefs, Asahi Saiba!

These were the top chefs who had terrorized Japan's culinary world in the past few days, making the top chefs of the mainstream culinary world tremble in fear. They represented the highest combat power of the Midnight Chefs and had all gathered here.

"Now that everyone is present, let's begin today's meeting," Asahi said calmly after scanning the room, seeing that everyone had arrived.

His tone carried an undeniable authority, instantly making the room's atmosphere even more serious. Everyone immediately straightened up, their eyes sharp and focused on him, knowing that every minute of this meeting could influence the future of the culinary world. They were all prepared to partake in this intellectual feast.


Meanwhile, as the members of Totsuki's Elite Ten sent out were being systematically defeated, Erina, the newly appointed Director, was in a kitchen, experimenting with new kaiseki dishes. 

As is widely known, Japanese cuisine emphasizes freshness, and kaiseki cuisine is considered the pinnacle of this approach. Each dish is prepared only after the customer places an order, ensuring that the freshness and taste of the food are at their peak.

"Hisako," Erina called out. "Give me the sea urchin from over there."

"Got it!" Hisako responded promptly.

After a brief exchange, Erina took the fresh sea urchin from Hisako's hands and began to prepare it. The first dish of her kaiseki meal was a simple appetizer:

**Mugwort Tofu**!

This dish was made using mugwort, sesame, and kudzu root to create a tofu, topped with sea urchin, shepherd's purse, and wasabi, all drizzled with dashi broth.

Tofu needs no elaborate introduction, but in this appetizer, the sea urchin took center stage. Erina had chosen a specific type of sea urchin known as the northern purple sea urchin, native to the Bohai Sea in China.

This sea urchin typically has a purplish-black exterior, which distinguishes it from the more common yellow sea urchin. More importantly, the northern purple sea urchin is sweeter and lacks any bitterness, with a lingering sweetness that fills the mouth. Its thicker, more succulent segments provide a satisfying texture.

Of course, with its superior quality comes a higher price, but for someone like Erina, who has ample financial resources, money was never an issue when it came to achieving the perfect dish.


Even before tasting, the aroma of the dish was inviting. Hisako couldn't resist leaning in to inhale the rich scent of the tofu.

"This is no ordinary dish," Hisako murmured. "The deep, rich scent of the tofu… it's reminiscent of soybeans from a particular oil shale soil in China."

"And the sea urchin... it's even more..." Hisako trailed off as she glanced at Erina with wide eyes. "Miss Erina, are all these kaiseki dishes meant for me to taste?"

"Of course. I called you to the kitchen so you could taste-test the new dishes," Erina replied with a shrug.

"Then I won't hold back!" Hisako eagerly replied before taking a piece of the mugwort tofu and placing it in her mouth, savoring every bite.

The tofu was silky smooth and creamy, melting almost instantly on her tongue. The rich flavor of soybeans filled her senses, and the delicate yet intense taste was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

For Hisako, this was the first time she had ever tasted tofu with such a refined and complex flavor, prompting her to exclaim, "This is delicious!"

"Scooping up a piece of this tender, white tofu with a small spoon, the deep, rich flavor of the beans complements the smooth, creamy texture perfectly. As it slowly melts in your mouth, the experience is simply magical," Hisako described, eyes closed, thoroughly enjoying the appetizer.

"The sea urchin with the tender tofu really brings out the sweetness of the sea urchin. While the predominant flavor is still the rich taste of the beans, it's far from monotonous," Hisako thought, still in awe of the dish.

Indeed, after the Totsuki revolution, Erina's growth had become visibly rapid, surpassing her previous limitations.


In the original story, Erina often appeared in a state where, when she erupted, she was unbeatable, but her power was not always stable. This was evident during the final BLUE competition, where despite winning against Soma Yukihira, it was hinted that she may have benefited from analyzing his cooking style and incorporating it into her own.

But now, a year later, having advanced to her third year of high school, Erina had shed the psychological shadow cast by her "demon mother" Mana, regularly receiving feedback and guidance from her. This indicated that Erina had significantly grown in strength since then.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Erina had become far stronger than any previous version of herself, even surpassing the likes of Joichiro, Asahi, Soma, Gin, and Kojirō Shinomiya.

With Zane's influence, her potential had been unlocked early. This meant that when she defeated Rindo twice during the promotion exams, it wasn't by chance or luck—she truly had surpassed the level of the Elite Ten.


The purpose of the appetizer, **Mugwort Tofu**, was to stimulate the taste buds and increase appetite. As an appetizer, it typically differs from the main course in portion size and flavor, characterized by small servings with fresh, vibrant flavors, often incorporating sour and salty notes.

"Wow, that was amazing," Hisako remarked, still savoring the flavors.

"This appetizer, with its rich bean flavor and a balance of sour, salty, sweet, and umami, is incredibly appetizing."

With the appetizer finished, the next course was brought out: **Thinly Sliced Akashi Sea Bream**.

As the name suggests, this dish was intended to further whet the appetite for the main course. The sea bream used was caught in the fast currents of the Akashi Strait, making it a premium choice among sea bream varieties in Japan.

The sea bream's flesh was thinly sliced to perfection, each piece around 0.3 centimeters thick, showcasing Erina's exceptional knife skills.

"Such precise slices… this thinly sliced Akashi sea bream really lives up to its name," Hisako thought, marveling at the fish's transparency and delicate texture.

"Let's taste it," she said before picking up a slice, dipping it in the accompanying sauce, and tasting it.

As she chewed, her eyes widened in amazement.


"The brilliance of the sea bream," Hisako mused, "the subtle differences in texture between various parts of the fish, the way each thin slice, paired with scallions, plum, and citrus vinegar, brings out the transparency and crispness of the fish flesh."

As she savored the fish, the flavor seemed to unfold in layers, becoming more complex and satisfying with each bite.

"Interesting… The fish is served with the skin still on," Hisako noted. "The skin's rich color and fatty layer enhance the fish's overall taste, and the delicate slicing brings out the best of the fish's texture."

"The sauce, with its blend of sour, sweet, salty, and aromatic flavors, elevates the dish's freshness, making it not only delicious but also invigorating."

Hisako, deep in thought, continued to appreciate the dish's freshness and intricate flavors.


In the kitchen, Erina's fair hands worked quickly and gracefully, showing no signs of being distracted by Hisako's comments. She was preparing the next dish by cutting tofu into small cubes and placing them in a pot of kombu broth, carefully heating it until the tofu held its shape but was soft and tender.

This was the third course of the kaiseki meal: **Yudofu (Tofu Hot Pot)**.

**Yudofu** is a staple of Japanese home cooking and a traditional dish. It involves simmering tofu in broth, often served with dipping sauces and condiments, and is typically enjoyed in the colder months.

After the light main dish, the next course was **Tempura**.

This was a dish of lightly battered and fried seafood or vegetables, often served as an appetizer.

Finally, the last course of the "one soup, three dishes" meal was **Seafood Tempura**.


Seafood tempura typically features shrimp but can also include various vegetables and mushrooms. The thinner the batter, the better, and the dish is best enjoyed immediately after frying, when it is crisp and flavorful. Temp

ura is commonly served with dipping sauce, grated daikon radish, and lemon, and its combination of crispy exterior and tender interior makes it one of the most beloved Japanese dishes.

"Seafood tempura?" Hisako asked, her appetite still growing as she eyed the dish.

"Yes," Erina confirmed. "Made with New Zealand scampi as the main ingredient, combined with seasonal vegetables, coated in a thin batter, and fried to a golden color. The key features of this dish are its freshness, crispiness, and savory taste without being greasy."

Hisako's eyes lit up as she quickly took a bite of the crispy seafood tempura.


When selecting ingredients for tempura, there are certain considerations. Ingredients with too much fat or strong acidity are generally avoided, as are shellfish with hard shells and sweet fruits, which can be challenging to cook and eat, or prone to burning due to their sugar content.

New Zealand scampi, despite its small size, has a distinctive appearance with a pair of large claws.

The scampi's vibrant red and translucent white body is a rare delicacy, only found in the deep waters of New Zealand's sea areas, between 150 to 650 meters deep. These cold, deep waters cause the scampi to grow slowly, taking over 15 years to mature. Because of the limited catch each year, with strict quotas to preserve the species, New Zealand scampi is incredibly precious.

"Oh… the moment it enters your mouth, the crispy coating makes a delightful crunching sound between your lips and tongue!" Hisako exclaimed.

"And the fresh scampi meat inside, with each bite, stimulates the taste buds even more."

"Simply put, it's crisp on the outside and juicy on the inside."

With her eyes closed, Hisako was completely captivated by the dish, unable to hold back her praise.

Within a few bites, the entire seafood tempura was gone.

Seeing Hisako's satisfied reaction, Erina simply smiled, saying nothing more.


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