Chapter 213: Would You Like to Be My Daddy? Update 1 Seeking Subscriptions (2)_1

Having Tang Bao was enough for me, I never planned to have another child.

In this life, I intended to accompany Tang Bao for a lifetime.

Jian Ran tugged at the corner of her lips, new grudges and old grievances…

Especially what happened in the car this morning, it also infuriated me to the extreme.

Then might as well settle it all at once.

With a barely there curve on her lips, Jian Ran strode directly toward the man.

The woman was in a finely tailored suit paired with a professional skirt, looking exceptionally capable, especially with the white shirt inside.

Combined with her slender figure, it was always eye-catching…

As Jian Ran approached Gu Mochen, she extended her fair, delicate hand and poked Gu Mochen's chest.

Gu Mochen, because of the woman's adventurous action, slightly narrowed his long, dark eyes.

"Mr. Gu."
