Chapter 214: Would You Like to Be My Daddy? Update 1 Seeking Subscriptions (3)_1

But Tang Bao wasn't.

She was just an ordinary child...

She couldn't bear all this.

Jian Ran just wanted to wait until Jian Anguo was released from prison, then spend some simple days with Jian Anguo and Tang Bao.

As for everything else, especially someone like Gu Mochen.

She didn't dare to provoke him, of course, and she couldn't provoke him at all.


As the two of them locked eyes, Gu Mochen appeared nonchalant, while Jian Ran tensed up, not realizing she had already been bested.

Gu Mochen stretched out his large hand to grasp the small hand that the woman was pointing at his chest, then gripped it tightly, and with the same motion, pulled Jian Ran entirely into his embrace.

The woman's slender waist couldn't even fill one grasp, and with just a pull, Jian Ran was fully nestled in Gu Mochen's arms.

Gu Mochen brought his thin lips close to the woman's neck, whispering ambiguously.