Chapter 19 Task_1

"What's going on?"

"Where did that loud bang just come from?"

Nearby, members of the Nort Militia, hearing the commotion, drew their weapons and hurried over.

"It's nothing, I just fired a blank shot to teach a disobedient dog a lesson," Gaven said to the leading militiaman, the squad captain.

"So it's Young Master Gaven and Commander Oster. Alright, alright, it's nothing, everyone disperse, nothing to see here," said the captain, who knew how to read a situation. As he led his men away, he also dispersed the onlookers, not forgetting to warn before leaving, "Young master, please be mindful of the limits. Don't go too far. It would be difficult to explain to the captain. You know how he is."

No one spoke up for Oster, only schadenfreude. This guy was never popular in Nort Castle, and there had been no shortage of tales about Rogan dragging him into bullying men and domineering women.

"I understand," Gaven nodded, giving a perfunctory response.

"Gaven Nort!" Oster roared in rage, suddenly standing up with eyes wide and fierce, like a bear ready to attack.

"What? You want to try again?" The just-reloaded Gnome Fire Trench was again pressed against Oster's forehead, "Either you drop the Combat Belt and get lost, or you bet on where I'll shoot you next time."

"You... You... You..." Oster gritted his teeth, unable to utter a complete threat, and eventually said through clenched teeth, "Consider yourself tough. Here, take it. One day, I'll settle today's score."

Oster removed his Combat Potion Belt and turned to leave. Staying any longer would only bring more humiliation, but he found that the damned brat was still clinging to his leg and not letting go. His anger nearly blew his top, but he dared not do anything more reckless and said through gritted teeth, "Kid, you can let go now."

Gaven, startled, quickly took out a Healing Potion from Oster's Combat Potion Belt and forced it into Darren's mouth.

Gaven made Oster leave his Combat Potion Belt behind, humiliating him was secondary; he mainly wanted the magic potions in the belt. He had only scrounged up two from the Nort Family treasury, one for Healing Minor Injuries and one for more serious wounds, both of which he had used up in earlier battles. Consumables like these were always in short supply, even in the reserves of the Nort Family's treasury.

As for the rest, Gaven casually tied the belt around his own waist along with its contents. Compared to his ordinary one, Oster's belt was a refined model, not only sturdier material but also capable of holding twice as many potion bottles, twelve in total, all crammed full. Even if they weren't Healing Potions, they were other types of Magic Potions, and just these alone were worth thousands of gold.

It was no wonder that Oster looked even uglier than if he had lost his parents when he took off the Combat Potion Belt.

A few seconds later, Darren came to from his unconsciousness. The first thing he said upon seeing Gaven was, "Young master, I've completed the task you entrusted to me."

"Very good, very good. You can let go now." Gaven gave Darren's shoulder a firm squeeze.

He had not expected a simple task of guarding the gate to almost cost Darren his life. The boy was stubbornly endearing, which was unfortunate, because if Gaven's path had lain there, he would have definitely sought to train him well.

It was thanks to his stubbornness that Oster hadn't been able to ruin Gaven's effort. Everything he had worked on all day and night was in the carriage.

Gaven wasn't afraid that Oster, the fool, would understand what he had written; he was afraid that failing to understand it, Oster might destroy his work out of spite. Though Gaven could rewrite it all, it would disrupt his plans. He had important matters to attend to and no time to play these petty internal feuds here with Oster.

"Disperse, all of you!" Gaven waved his hand, dispersing the crowd, "Darren, come inside with me."

"This is not appropriate, Young Master," Darren said. He was curious about the secret Gaven was hiding in the carriage but, considering their respective statuses, he felt a bit awkward.

"If I'm telling you to come in, then come in. Given your recent performance, I have another task to entrust to you," Gaven had fully recognized Darren's character and was ready to involve him in the next phase of his plan.

"Another task?" Interest piqued, Darren momentarily put aside the matter of his recent near-death experience.

"Take care of this book for me, and, when the time is right, pass it on to Captain Zalanda," Gaven solemnly handed over a book tied with cowhide string, an inch thick, to Darren.

Gaven had chosen the best cattle or sheepskin paper he could find and cut them all to the same size, but the color difference between cattle and sheepskin paper was quite significant. Combined with the aged paper, the mix exuded a peculiar, historical flavor.

Originally, Gaven had wanted to craft a luxurious bronze cover for the book.

But then he thought better of it. Zalanda was not the sort to judge a book by its cover — what mattered was the content inside.

"The right time?" Darren blinked, baffled, "What counts as the right time?"

"It's simple. Continue to guard my carriage. No matter what happens outside, do not wander off. When Captain Zalanda comes to my carriage, hand her the book and tell her that I have kept it specially for her and that she must read it," Gaven cautioned, "Don't peek yourself. Keep this matter confidential. Do not speak of it to anyone other than Captain Zalanda, understood?"

"Understood," Darren nodded, though he only half understood.

"Good, this combat belt is now yours," Gaven tossed the retired standard combat potion belt to Darren.

"I can't accept such a precious gift!" Darren shook his head vehemently. Although unaware of the belt's exact value, he knew it was expensive and that many of the Nort Militia did not possess one.

"It's your reward for the mission. If you don't accept it, I'll have to take back the second task. Only by accepting it does our contract of hire become effective," Gaven threatened.

"Alright then!" Darren, still a boy at heart, couldn't hide his delight. He took the combat potion belt, treasuring it and carefully fastening it around his waist.

There wasn't a boy who could refuse such a reward.

Gaven gathered some discarded drafts lying nearby and handed them to Darren, "These drafts are yours now. How much you learn from them is up to you. Also, if Captain Zalanda does not accept my gift, or does not care for it and tosses it aside, remember to pick it up and keep it safe. Then, you can read it whenever you like."

Though the likelihood of the latter two scenarios was low, Gaven still had to consider them. After all, his upcoming actions might touch upon Zalanda's bottom line, and he couldn't predict how she might react. If her anger was triggered, anything could happen.

Should such a situation arise, Gaven would rather the book fall into the hands of the boy he had deemed worthy than some unrelated person.