Chapter 20: When the Map Ends, the Dagger Appears_1

"Understood," Darren patted his chest and said, "Young Master Gaven, rest assured, I will protect this book until it's handed over to Captain Zalanda, but these things, even if you give them to me, they're useless since I can't read."

Toward the end, Darren obviously felt a bit embarrassed.

On this point, Gaven had clearly miscalculated; the literacy rate on Earth made him forget just how low the literacy rate in Felen actually was. "How about this, wait here for me. I'll write a letter and you can give it to Captain Zalanda along with the book. Someone will teach you to read later on. Take it seriously when you learn; reading is just as important as training in swordsmanship. Trust me, it will be good for you in the future."

"Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, Young Master, thank you, Young Master," Darren nodded repeatedly, without any refusal, for this was something he had dreamed of.

It only took Gaven a few minutes to write another letter. He simply folded it and passed it to Darren, since the man couldn't read anyway.

Gaven jumped out of the carriage and said to Darren, "You wait inside the carriage. Remember, no matter what happens outside, it has nothing to do with you. Just wait here for Captain Zalanda."

"But what if Captain Zalanda doesn't come?" Darren asked anxiously.

"Hmm," Gaven paused, having overlooked this possibility, "you wait until the caravan sets off. If Captain Zalanda hasn't come by then, take what I've entrusted to you and go find her."

"Alright," Darren nodded again and again.

After Gaven left the carriage, he walked with the Goblin Sorcerer to a secluded corner and untied the rope in his hand. "Have you prepared the Fireball Technique I asked for?"

"It's ready," the Goblin Sorcerer nodded repeatedly.

"Very good, then wait with me!" Gaven sat down on the ground, and the Goblin Sorcerer did the same, without asking any further questions from beginning to end.

An hour after Zalanda led the Cavalry Squad on their attack.

"The time is about right," Gaven stood up and began to disclose his plan to the Goblin Sorcerer, "See that carriage there? The most lavish one, when I give the signal, aim a Fireball Technique at that carriage. Make sure to calculate the fall, avoiding the two guards. After casting it, mount the warhorse over there and run out. Once you're out, you're free. But remember, don't get caught alive again, or I'll have to kill you."

The carriage Gaven was pointing to belonged to none other than Rogan.

According to his original plan, he was going to kill these two troublemakers before leaving.

But after capturing the Goblin Sorcerer, he came up with a new option—killing someone by borrowing another's hand.

The reason for this complication was ultimately for Zalanda's sake; he wanted to avoid the infamy of fratricide if possible, even if it was obvious to anyone with clear eyes that these were his machinations. But at the very least, it left room for a smoother relationship with Zalanda, laying the groundwork for his eventual return.

As it happened, Oster had just suffered a big setback at Gaven's hand and would undoubtedly run back to his master to complain, not having left by now.

Gaven could already picture the two of them cursing him together.

Now was the perfect time for him to strike them all down at once.


The Goblin Sorcerer knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly, "Please, I beg you, let me go. I'll do whatever you ask, just please spare me..."

Clearly, this Goblin Sorcerer was a smart man; from just a few words, he grasped the gist of Gaven's plan.

He understood that Gaven needed a scapegoat, and a dead man keeps secrets better than a living one.

He feared that after casting the Fireball Technique, what awaited him was certain death.

Gaven had decided that ending his own life and taking all the blame was the truly safest method.

Gaven was well aware of why the Goblin Sorcerer had such a reaction; his face turned grim. In the eyes of the other, was his heart really that black?

But the arrow was on the string and had to be released, missing this chance meant he might not get another for a long time.

Gaven, with patience, explained further, "Most of the troops here are off attacking another Goblin Tribe. As long as you do as I say, your chances of survival will be great. I'll be riding behind you on horse, as long as you don't fall into other's hands, I'll give you a chance to live. But if you don't want to cooperate with my plan, I can only send you to your death. Why not take a gamble, bet that my heart isn't as black as you think it is?"

When the Dagger was placed against his throat, the Goblin Sorcerer knew he had no choice.

To act might offer a sliver of hope.

To refuse would guarantee death.

The Goblin Sorcerer, with a face ashen, began to quickly form seals with his hands and chant a spell, tuning himself with the Magic Network. A tremendous amount of Magic Power gathered around him and soon formed into a fist-sized fireball.

At this moment, the Goblin Sorcerer could clearly feel the deathly chill emitted by the Dagger on his throat; the blade would slice through his neck immediately if the Fireball Technique was not hurled towards the target.

To exchange the lives of unrelated people for a glimmer of hope, what to choose?

For a Goblin without much of a moral compass, the choice was obvious.

Once the fireball left the hands of the Goblin Sorcerer, it hurtled forward at a terrifying speed, and it grew bigger as it absorbed the surrounding Magic Power during its flight.

When it reached above the carriage, it had already grown to the size of a human head.


The explosive blast flipped the luxurious carriage over, and two figures were hurled out, falling to the ground, their fate unknown.

The Goblin Sorcerer had precisely calculated the landing point of the Fireball Technique, avoiding the two heavily armed guards in front of the carriage.

However, they were so close to the explosion that the powerful blast and flame wave propelled them through the air, tumbling several times before lying motionless on the ground, whether stunned or killed by the shock was unclear.


Gaven shouted at the Goblin Sorcerer, propelling himself forward like a cannonball, and while running, he cried out loud, "Catch the assassin! Catch the assassin! That damned Goblin has assassinated Lord Baron!"

The Goblin Sorcerer, who had been bracing for death, paused, then a tremendous surge of relief enveloped him; he hadn't expected the other party to actually keep his promise, to honor a promise made to a Goblin.

The next second, his overwhelming instinct to survive took over, and he bolted for the nearest warhorse with his short legs.

As he reached the horse, he realized that this Cavalry mount had clearly been arranged by Gaven as well; the reins were merely slung lightly over, ready to be pulled free from the ring. As far as his eyes could see, there was an opening through which he could take a few leaps on horseback and leave the temporary camp behind. Possibility of life was practically waving at him, and without hesitation, the Goblin Sorcerer galloped furiously away.

On the other side, the two heavily armored guards arranged by Zalanda for Rogan, their garments in disarray, ran out. Seeing the scene, they were instantly bloodshot with rage, and without thinking, they freed a horse nearby and chased after the Goblin Sorcerer who had just left the camp.

As they left, Gaven, who had been hiding in the shadows, sprinted over to check on the heavily armored guards who had been sent flying by the Fireball Technique; seeing they were merely knocked unconscious, he no longer concerned himself with them and swiftly ran to Rogan and Oster, whose fates were also unknown.

After all, with the carriage between them, no one could be sure whether a single Fireball Technique could truly take them out in one go.

In Felen, even the dead could be resurrected, let alone those who still drew breath.