Chapter 58: Raising the Enemy Empowers Them (Please Follow)_1

The hesitant Goblins all bristled and scattered, following Andy toward the direction from which the Goblin Tribe had fled.

The wicked need the torment of their own kind.

A small villain must be governed by a greater one.

The fleeing Goblin Tribe obviously hadn't expected anyone to chase after them, and once they were out of sight, they slowed their pace considerably, heading back to their lairs dispiritedly, in small groups.

By the time Andy led his tribe to the attack, not all the Goblins of that tribe had returned, and there were no defenses in place; they were overwhelmed as invaders stormed into their lair.

Who knows Goblins better than Goblins themselves? Their defensive traps were of limited threat to them.

The calculative against the unprepared, the outcome was obvious.

This lair of Goblins was directly uprooted; those that fled stumbled upon the steadily advancing Cangya Warband, resulting in the majority being taken captive.