Chapter 57: Understanding Person (Please follow)


"Mr. Gaven, you are truly impressive. In such a short time, you managed to train them to this extent. So many Goblins couldn't withstand their first charge," Anna, equally eager to try, watched the war scene below. It made the Maiden Priestess' blood boil with excitement, her eyes sparkling.

Before Gaven could reply, Artolia on his shoulder scoffed first, "What's there to boast about defeating a rabble? It was just the simplest charge tactic. Except for the formation which is still somewhat neat, they have a long way to go before they can be considered an army. They will need much stricter training," she declared.

Not willing to concede, the Maiden Priestess argued, "How long have we been in the Rocklands? Ten days ago, these Gnolls had just put down their mining picks and picked up Long Spears. They couldn't even march in formation, and now, maintaining formation during a charge is already quite an achievement. I think Miss Artolia's expectations are too high."