Chapter 3 The Useless Person_1


At this rate, I'll soon become a mental patient with zero SAN Points.

[SAN Points -1, enter containment scenario]

Fu Qian didn't hesitate to choose to restart.

The consecutive failures successfully sparked his interest.

"Are you awake?"

The old man's familiar voice came through.


Once again gritting his teeth to persuade with reason, Fu Qian climbed out of bed and came to the door, squinting as he looked outside.

There was something new in the courtyard—a human torso and limbs, an exaggeratedly long neck, and a head full of hair.

At this moment, this odd creature, with two hollow eye sockets, gazed up at the starry sky, motionless.

With such a demonic stance, could this be the legendary werewolf transformed under the full moon?

The problem was that apart from its head, its body was completely bare.

One could even vaguely make out human facial features, it seemed more like a bearded zombie.

What was most eye-catching were the strips of tattered cloth on its body.

Had this thing been a human before, and discovered the beauty of wildness to return to nature here?

Fu Qian made an irresponsible guess.

Considering its position, I must have walked right onto its face, no wonder I was sent flying with a slap.

This monstrously large claw, probably bigger than my own head, must have been the weapon that finished me off.

As for why it was invisible before, but now visible, Fu Qian felt he had guessed the reason.

The issue was likely with that "Inspiration +1"; it allowed me to see more things.

"The moon is about to set."

The old man's urging voice came from behind again.

This time, Fu Qian didn't turn back, he crept low, sticking to the blind spot in the werewolf's field of vision and quietly walked out.

The werewolf stayed in its place, continuing to gaze at the stary sky, showing no reaction to Fu Qian's actions.

Quietly heaving a sigh of relief, Fu Qian carefully surveyed the surroundings and quickly found an exit—a stone double door.

But the problem was that the door looked extremely heavy and was only a few meters away from the werewolf.

Could this get any more annoying? You might as well just let it ride on top!

Complaints aside, Fu Qian didn't allow anger to cloud his judgment; instead, he seriously analyzed his current predicament.

Regardless of the difficulty, one must analyze the situation calmly, confront it steadily, and ultimately, elegantly sever the BOSS's head.

That is the romance of a man!

And currently, it seemed I had two choices.

One, play hide and seek here with the werewolf, betting that its eyes and nose and whatnot were all ineffectual, remain still if the enemy doesn't move, and just wait out the time until the end.

After all, the condition to achieve containment was to survive one hour.

Two, face the risk of being clawed through the heart and open that door that seemed to weigh a ton, then run to the back where untold dangers might lurk.

Fu Qian decisively decided to try the first option first.

As everyone knows, if you want to survive long in the movies, the first rule is, if it's not necessary, do not be rash.

Fu Qian noted the prompt in the upper left corner of his vision, indicating he had already successfully survived for 15 minutes this time.

Being extremely cautious not to make a sound, Fu Qian slowly moved and finally, with his back to the werewolf, hid himself behind a tree.

16, 17... 20!

At the twentieth minute, the werewolf, which was gazing at the starry sky, suddenly howled and started to move.

After abandoning its strange posture, the werewolf seemed exceedingly agitated.

Moving with an incredible speed, it began to leap around the courtyard, almost instantly discovering Fu Qian behind the tree.

Damn it!

With no way to avoid it, Fu Qian was once again sent flying with a swipe.

[Containment failed, survival time 20 minutes]

[Assessment: A useless person, the most foolish thing is to expect a madman to follow the rules]

[Reward: None]

[Current SAN Points: 15]

So hiding doesn't work, huh?

Fu Qian exhaled deeply, keenly aware of the malice in this place.

No wonder they set a task to survive for an hour.

It seems that the werewolf standardly starts freaking out after 20 minutes, so my plan to hunker down in the yard until the end is unworkable.

If I retreat, there's still the God of Death Old Man in the house.

The only solution now, it seemed, was to open the stone door and run out.

But not to mention how to avoid being detected first, was this even something a human could push?

Fu Qian, once again entering the containment scene, looked at the heavy stone door with a face full of grief and anger.

Either way, he had to try.

Fu Qian quietly picked up a stone from the ground and threw it toward the distance.

The stone hadn't even hit the ground when a black flash darted by.

The werewolf, which had been gazing up at the starry sky, sprang up at the sound of the wind.

In an instant, it crossed several meters and swatted the stone away with a swipe of its paw.

Before Fu Qian could swear, the werewolf in mid-air didn't hesitate to push off with its hind legs, change direction, and leap across half the field to crash into Fu Qian's arms.

Fu Qian's plan to create a diversion instantly fell through.

[Containment failed, survival time: 10 minutes]

[Rating: Useless person]

[Current SAN Points: 14]


What the hell is this precious thing!


[SAN Points decreased by 1, entering containment scene]

To convince with reason, getting up, going out, hiding.

Looking at the werewolf posing in the yard,

Fu Qian began to seriously contemplate the issue of resigning.

At this rate, there was absolutely no way out for humans; surviving an hour was an impossible task!

If he failed again, his SAN Points would be down to 13.

He was getting closer to idiocy.

It was clear that the werewolf had exceptionally keen hearing and would be alerted by any slight rustling.

But if he didn't open the door, once the time was up and it stood up, he'd certainly be heading down a dead end.

He glanced back at the cabin.

The old man was eyeing him warily, scythe in hand gleaming brightly.

An idea struck Fu Qian.

What had he said to him earlier?

To come out and look at the moon.

But he had been looking at the moon for so long, and it seemed there was no change!

Could it be that he was gazing at it the wrong way?

Fu Qian had always been known for his exceptional divergent thinking since childhood, even earning the reputation of having a broad mind like that of a mental patient.

Observing the werewolf in the yard, he had an idea.

Finding a spot, Fu Qian stretched out his hand, lifted his head, and mimicked the werewolf's actions, gazing intensely at the moon.

No response?

Fu Qian was not one to give up easily.

One minute, two minutes...

Just as the werewolf began to shake its body, getting ready to walk around again, a change finally took place.

The heavy-looking stone door silently opened from the outside.

Who would've thought it could work like that!

Although his guess had been confirmed, Fu Qian couldn't feel happy.

This place was quite eerie! Who knew how many more things were waiting for him ahead.

But with the way now open, Fu Qian quickly dropped his pose.

Controlling himself to make no sound at all, he moved step by step to the position of the gate, avoiding the werewolf's line of sight.

Here goes nothing.

Darting out the door, his view suddenly brightened.

Fu Qian finally understood why this place was called Full Moon Garden.

Across the undulating landscape, countless small flowers with white petals and yellow buds swayed in the wind.

Each petal, like a little mirror, reflected the bright moonlight, resembling a flowing stream of mercury.

Luckily, at least for the moment, he hadn't discovered anything else.

Fu Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

The very next moment, he pulled that breath right back in.