Chapter 4 Seeking Advice_1

Fu Qian had just caught his breath when he immediately realized something was wrong.

It's so hot!

His body felt like a candle in an oven, as if it could melt at any moment.

No, it was already melting.

In just a moment, every cell in his body had become restless, struggling to break free from its constraints.

His muscles began uncontrollably wriggling, almost as if his body was about to fall apart.

Fu Qian looked up at the flowers in front of him, the petals formed a silver river that seemed to have countless moons flowing in it.

Countless bright flares reflected onto his body.

Is there something wrong with the moonlight?

Previously unnoticeable, but now these petals concentrated the moonlight, amplified who knows how many times, onto him, and the effect was evident.

Fu Qian made a swift judgment.

At this moment, things began to emerge on his arm.

Those were a few twitching flesh buds, rapidly twisting and expanding.

Is this the beginning of a mutation?

Fu Qian was not intimidated by the scene before him, but grabbed one and yanked with all his might.

Agony shot through him as the flesh bud was torn off.

But quickly, more flesh buds appeared, and before long, his entire arm had transformed completely.

It's hopeless!

Fu Qian decisively gave up on clearing them and instead focused his mind on the ever-growing tentacles, finding he could even slightly control their wriggling.

These things were rapidly burning through his life force; it wouldn't be long before he turned into a twisted mass of decayed flesh.

He couldn't stay here!

Fu Qian quickly scanned the area, but regrettably found no exit. He turned and ran back.

However, even with such a quick response, before he could retreat into the stone door, both legs had completely melted and deformed, even starting to fuse with the ground.

Making it back to the courtyard with difficulty, he could no longer maintain his balance and collapsed to the ground.

This undoubtedly startled the Werewolf inside the door.

With a howl, a dark shadow unhesitatingly pounced on him.

[Containment failed, survival time 25 minutes]

He had thought that after transforming into a slime-like state, the Werewolf might not be interested in him, but it seemed the creature was not picky at all.

In the warehouse, Fu Qian remembered the scene of the Werewolf feasting on him, the crisp sounds of chewing echoing in his ears.

The situation is dire!

The flowers in the garden are clearly abnormal, and given the speed of the mutation, there is simply no time to destroy them.

Unable to destroy them, and with staying in Full Moon Garden out of the question, even if he slowed down every step of the way to the extreme, it would be impossible to last an hour.

It's a dead end everywhere!

What's the saying? All dead ends stem from insufficient strength.

If I could knock down the old man with one kick and kill the Werewolf with two punches, then I would surely find salvation in every desperate situation!

Fu Qian was still not discouraged; rather, he patted his head to free up his thoughts.

Setting aside whether it was possible or not, if he really had to pick one to fight off, who would it be?

The old man seemed inscrutable in cunning and strength, while the Werewolf seemed a bit easier, at least appearing to have average intelligence.

So here comes the question.

For a creature a size larger than his own, with overwhelming strength and speed, and exceptionally fast reflexes, what martial art could kill it?

Fu Qian silently took off his work badge and returned to his home from the warehouse.

He turned on the computer quickly; after thinking for a moment, Fu Qian made a search.

[How to fight a grown tiger with bare hands?]

He went through the search results one by one.

"Physical capabilities vary from person to person, I once... in extreme anger..."

"Fighting a tiger by oneself, that's easy..."

"First, you have to be very strong... Don't panic... Don't turn your back to it..."

"Stare into the tiger's eyes, and as it pounces, go for a sliding tackle..."

"...after a few tackles, you will have overwhelmed the tiger."

Facing a screen full of chaotic advice, one entry caught his eye and gave him a glimmer of hope.

Slide tackle...

This idea—quite interesting!

[SAN Points decrease by 1, entering containment scenario]

Fu Qian entered the Full Moon Garden for the 8th time.

Still consisted of convincing through reason, getting up, exiting the house, and hiding.

Fu Qian still opened the garden door.

But this time, he didn't step through the door; instead, he only stuck out both hands.

The specks of light reflected by the petals instantly illuminated both hands, making them distinctly visible.

Soon, tendrils of flesh bulged out.


Fu Qian retracted his arms and turned his head.

Standing under the moonlight, the Werewolf Brother had already gotten up, staring straight this way, without making a sound.

This damn oppressive feeling!

Defeating this guy is the only possibility to complete the mission.

Fu Qian looked at it coldly, not blinking.

Not hesitating for long, the werewolf let out a piercing howl under the moonlight and leaped high, pouncing over like a black bolt of lightning.

Don't turn your back on it... Keep your eyes on its eyes...

Fu Qian took a deep breath and instead of retreating, he advanced.

He ran a couple of steps towards the werewolf and then laid down directly, sliding underneath the werewolf's belly.

Secret move—Tieba Secret Technique—Slide tackle!

Fu Qian pushed one grotesquely swollen arm, barely recognizable in shape, forcibly into the werewolf's mouth, past its white and sharply pointed teeth.

Agony struck, and the werewolf almost immediately closed its sharp teeth, biting down so hard that Fu Qian felt his arm was nearly severed in two.

That's right!

Fu Qian wrapped his other arm tightly around the werewolf's neck, preventing himself from falling off.

And in the werewolf's mouth, every single tendril on his arm madly grew according to his will.

The tendrils extended through the werewolf's mouth and esophagus, Fu Qian controlling them to tear at everything they encountered, deeply entangling with the creature's organs.

You trying to—fuck with me?!

The next moment, Fu Qian used all his strength, grabbing everything he could and frantically pulling outwards.

A horrifically brutal howl emerged from the werewolf's mouth.

Under such excruciating pain, the werewolf turned completely wild, savagely destroying everything around it.

However, Fu Qian, with his deformed arm, clung tightly to its chest and neck, right in the blind spot of its claw attacks.

Eventually, when the entire courtyard was nearly ravaged into ruins, the werewolf finally collapsed.

Struggling out from under the werewolf's body, Fu Qian silently tore off the remaining bit of flesh on his left hand.

"A slide tackle, and then choke it to death."

The brother from Tieba sure had a good idea.

After pondering, Fu Qian sat down on the ground with a thud, taking deep breaths.

The feeling of cells rebelling was creeping up his arm bit by bit.

Thankfully, it wasn't fast, and he should last for an hour.

Unless that individual made a move.

Fu Qian looked up and noticed that the old man from inside the house had somehow made his way into the courtyard.

The old man had put away his scythe and was looking at him with a peculiar expression.

After a long while, the man nodded his head.

"Not bad at all!"

"Your way of fighting is quite impressive!"

"Facing such a monster, what made you think of confronting and even killing it?"

It's good if he's just here to talk nonsense.

As time slowly approached the one-hour mark, Fu Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You really don't get it, do you..."

"To a true gamer, as long as it has a health bar, even if it's a god, I'll kill it for you to see."
