Chapter 26 Ying Jian_1

"Time is money."

Having finished his stretching, Fu Qian grinned at Tan Mingxue.

"But don't worry, you'll soon be freed from such tedious matters."

Tan Mingxue responded simply, her hair quivered, and countless fine strands moved toward the center, cutting towards Fu Qian as the radius.

The same move wouldn't work on a Saint Fighter.

Fu Qian took another deep breath and lifted his right foot.


A foot powered with furious strength stomped onto the ground, the exploding momentum raced outwards, blowing away the myriad of thin strands in the air.

Tan Mingxue's signature skill was naturally not that simple, the strands swirled and rolled back, but this lasted only for a breath before gathering again.

A single breath was enough.

A grating metallic ripping noise sounded as Fu Qian forcefully tore off the tabletop next to him.

Almost everything inside the safe house was made of special metal, and this tabletop was even more excessively solid metal, it was very heavy in hand.

Seeing this, a fluctuation of emotion finally appeared on Poker Face Tan Mingxue.

It's too late for regrets now.

Fu Qian didn't give her the chance to show off her skills, lifting the heavy tabletop to his chest.

He turned, then let go.

The next moment, the tabletop became a flying shield, with unstoppable kinetic energy, it flew towards Tan Mingxue's head.

At the same time, Fu Qian's left hand spread open, silently firing five Air Bullets.

Tan Mingxue's long white hair almost instinctively gathered in front of her in an instant, converging into a ball to attempt blocking the seemingly all-destroying tabletop.

Fragments filled the air, the tearing sound was incessant.

The sharpness of the threads was staggering, the seemingly indestructible metal tabletop was instantly split into quarters and forcefully cut into fragments.

Sharp, but pointless.

Fu Qian was right, even if reduced to smithereens, every metal fragment still followed its original trajectory, resolutely continuing towards Tan Mingxue's head.

They even turned into a spray of shrapnel due to the fragmentation.

Tan Mingxue clearly knew this too, as she awkwardly moved several meters laterally, narrowly dodging this storm of deadly needles.

The metal shrapnel smashed directly into the wall behind her, creating a honeycomb pattern of deep pits.

However, the next second, the pupils of Tan Mingxue, who just avoided a fatal shot to the head, suddenly enlarged, and her nearly unbalanced body shifted laterally again.

Even so, an invisible bullet still struck her waist, splattering blood.

Not bad!

To think she didn't fall.

As expected of the Night Watchman Leader, she is much stronger than that Mr. Ji.

Huff huff!

Panting heavily, one hand covering the wound on her waist, Tan Mingxue's face was extremely unsightly.

When she first received the news, she had heard a general description, but she never expected this guy to be much more terrifying than imagined.

What kind of monster is this?!

"Ambush, despicable and shameless!"

"Someone who uses that thing as a weapon doesn't seem qualified to talk about me."

Fu Qian pointed at her hair.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

Tan Mingxue had no interest in talking to this guy, but she didn't mind if she had a chance to catch her breath and tend to her wounds.

"Last words."

Fu Qian slowly spoke two words, but his eyes weren't on her, instead, he was staring at Wen Li in the corner.

At that moment, Wen Li was turning her head away, her mouth wide open in an 'O' shape, as if unable to accept what had just happened.

As their eyes met, Wen Li, as if electrocuted, abruptly turned her head back, shutting her eyes tight, focusing inward.

"Who on earth are you?"

Tan Mingxue uttered the classic line of impending doom.

"A hermit from beyond this world."

As Fu Qian replied, he picked up an ashtray from the ground.

This had just fallen from the table.

"Hold the line, I'll rescue him first."

Just then, a dark shadow flashed overhead, as someone actually leapt down.

Around thirty years old, wearing a black top, with gold-framed glasses.

"Qi Xue!"

Seeing the newcomer, Tan Mingxue almost instantly regained her strength, her voice filling with momentum.

The ferocity and power demonstrated by her opponent just moments earlier had nearly made her lose confidence.

Although she felt it was unnecessary, as she watched Qi Xue charge toward Wen Li, she still bit her teeth and once again mobilized all her transparent filaments to attack Fu Qian.


A loud noise echoed, and Qi Xue's figure stopped abruptly, standing a few meters away from Wen Li.

In front of him, the wall was deeply indented by an ashtray that Fu Qian had thrown.

"You'd better stay away from there."

Fu Qian, dodging Tan Mingxue's attacks with a leisurely stroll, held two table legs he had just pulled out and walked up to him.

Turning his head towards Wen Li, who was almost standing up.

"Do you really think he's here to save you?"

"What do you mean?"

Wen Li had been thrilled to see new reinforcements arrive, nearly standing up with a shudder.

But now, Fu Qian's words left her baffled once again.

Fu Qian said nothing but pointed to her head.

This is...

Realizing her own panic, Wen Li took a breath to calm her emotions.

The next moment, she took a step back in horror, staring at Qi Xue, who was not far from her.

"You're not... Who are you!"

"I am not."

Qi Xue suddenly revealed a ferocious smile, his facial features quickly melting and morphing, and in the blink of an eye, he became another man's face.

Ignoring Wen Li, he turned to look at Fu Qian.

"I'm a bit curious, how did you know?"

"Do I even need to ask? This one here was the one who took the job to kill you."

Fu Qian replied to the dumbfounded Wen Li on the side.

"You really are popular, both those who want to kill you and those who want to save you are eager to come in."

"As for how I knew?"

Fu Qian then turned back to the fake Qi Xue.

"Guess, hehehe."

Of course, Fu Qian wouldn't tell him that he could recognize him because he had killed him once before and had memorized his scent.

That's right, this guy was the one who had controlled Wen Xiuxian last time.

"My disguise was absolutely perfect."

The man gritted his teeth.

"Indeed very similar, look at that brainless one over there, didn't she completely fail to notice?"

Fu Qian pointed to Tan Mingxue, whose face turned a deep red in an instant.

"What's your name?"

After mocking Tan Mingxue, Fu Qian shifted his attention back to Assassin Brother.

"If you want to keep it confidential out of professional ethics, that's fine too. Your characteristics are still quite clear, and I'll just look it up after I finish you off."

This guy caused him to fail the mission last time due to Wen Li's shattered psyche; today he was certainly not going to get away.

"Ying Jian, I am indeed doing this for money."

The man looked at Fu Qian and started to laugh.

"You're strong, and I indeed have no confidence that I can beat you, but if you really want to kill me, I advise you not to be impulsive."


He tore open the upper part of his shirt.