Chapter 25 There wasn't much time left for her_1

Nothing is greater than the liberation of the mind; contrary thinking is very important.

After previous failures, Fu Qian's approach this time was very simple. There is no such thing as a thief-proof strategy that can last a thousand days.

He no longer thought about how to ensure Wen Li's survival but instead placed her in an absolutely safe spot to allow her to complete her promotion as quickly as possible.

An old saying goes, grant time for tasks, rather than granting tasks time.

Wen Li took a full ten minutes to adjust her emotions, but even though she stopped crying, it was clear that she was still resistant.

"I don't understand,"

she said in a hoarse voice.

"You don't need to understand; you just need to make a choice,"

"Make use of every second to complete your promotion, or end up naked on tomorrow's news headlines."

"Also, let me remind you that even if you die here, it won't change how I handle things tomorrow."

Fu Qian reminded the beauty of the cruel reality she faced.

A beauty who wouldn't forget to wipe her face even in a life-or-death situation.

He believed her potential was limitless when faced with such a threat.

"Can you at least tell me why you're doing this?"

Wen Li obviously had sound logical thinking and quickly came to terms with her fate.

Still, she couldn't help but ask the question in her mind.

Yeah, why are you doing this?

To save your own life? He had indeed saved her more than once.

But why make such an excessive request?

A pervert who enjoys playing with human nature?

"You might be overthinking it. I was just passing by and noticed your unique bones indicating you're a cultivation prodigy. I took a special interest to enlighten you a bit and grant you an opportunity,"


"I don't want this opportunity, is that okay?"

"What the heavens offer, you can't refuse."

"But... my abilities are greatly affected by my emotions. I really don't have the confidence to ascend under these circumstances."

"Didn't I already slap Young Master Ye to cheer you up?"

"Why would I be happy about that... Ah, how do you know that!"


In the end, Miss Wen was forced to accept her fate and gradually calmed down.

Sitting upright, with eyes slightly closed, she adjusted her breathing. In the quiet space, her whole being seemed somewhat ethereal for a moment.

Indeed, dealing with a smart person is simple!

Fu Qian looked at Wen Li, who sat with her back to him, and felt reassured.

"A gem cannot be polished without friction; you being so ambitious puts me at ease,"

Wen Li's seated body visibly shivered.

"Just a friendly reminder, you have 23 hours and 35 minutes left,"

Seeing that Wen Li's shoulders twitched slightly as if she might be crying again,

he nodded in satisfaction once he was sure she would not slack the slightest, then stood in place and closed his eyes.

He wasn't planning to sleep; on the contrary, he could be said to have all his senses heightened, covering every corner.

Wen Xiuxian had declared this place as secure as Fort Knox, but that was based on his own common sense.

Fu Qian had witnessed the Lightning Railgun, and in his view, the defenses were merely sufficient to avoid some minor troubles.

Like right now, for instance.

All of a sudden, Fu Qian opened his eyes and blew a breath towards the space in front of him.

An almost imperceptible distortion appeared in the air, a nearly transparent filament, which drifted aside with his breath.

Without a sound, a deep gouge appeared on the wall.

The original target of the thing had been his neck.

The next instant, the air stirred again, and more than ten of the same thin threads wrapped towards him from all directions.

Fu Qian, however, made no move this time, letting them wrap around him.

The incredibly sharp threads swiftly enveloped him from head to toe, and in the next moment, they constricted inward, intending to grind him into pieces.

Feeling the threads nearly cutting into his flesh, Fu Qian took a deep breath.

In the next instant, the sound of snapping filled the air as the threads entwined around his body broke piece by piece, scattering into the atmosphere.

I've found you.

At the same time, Fu Qian leaped high, tearing open the ventilation duct overhead.

More of those fine threads tried to wrap around his hand but were seized in his grasp and yanked out forcefully.


A figure leaped out from the ventilation shaft, glaring at Fu Qian.

It was actually an acquaintance.

Looking at the poker-faced middle-aged woman before him.

"Group Leader Tan, you've aged prematurely."

Fu Qian blew at the broken threads in his hand toward her.

With their power gone, the threads were no longer transparent but had turned into grey-white strands of hair.

Looking at the noticeably shorter hair on Tan Mingxue's head, if it wasn't for an accident with her hairdresser, it was quite clear where these came from.

The Night Watchman arrived quite promptly.

Recalling Mr. Ji's recent impersonation of the Jade Emperor, Fu Qian couldn't help but admire their efficiency in summoning help.

"Who are you?"

The impact of age on a woman is truly terrifying, originally Tan Mingxue's expression was a mix of three parts solemnity and two parts confusion.

After Fu Qian's comment, it almost entirely shifted to murderous intent.

A tangible aura of killing intent crazily spilled out from her.

Fu Qian remained unperturbed, judging from past interactions, this woman had a rather explosive temper.

Given the current situation, no matter how one looked at it, it seemed like he'd kidnapped Miss Wen of the Wen Family and injured innocent bystanders; the only possibility for a peaceful exchange would be to surrender and go with her willingly.

And that was a condition he could not accept.

Better to enrage this woman and in her state of infuriation, she might reveal more flaws which could be useful.

"Group Leader Tan just tried to put me to death, and you still don't know who I am?"

Fu Qian blinked.

"There's a problem with your law enforcement attitude."

"That's not for you to judge. Answer my question or leave your last words, choose one," Tan Mingxue said with an icy gaze. Despite her fury, she was a seasoned Transcendent and did not lose her composure further, much to Fu Qian's disappointment.


Fu Qian ignored her and stretched a lengthy yawn.

"I choose neither."

"Obstinate fool!"

Tan Mingxue didn't speak further, and in the next moment, her hair moved on its own without wind, spreading out in all directions.

Standing straight as if charged with static electricity.

The tips of her hair once again extended and turned into those transparent threads, almost enveloping the whole room.

As the threads waved, they sliced and stirred the air time and again.

The entire room became an invisible meat grinder; one wrong step would lead to being hacked to pieces.

If you're going to play dirty, you can't blame me.

Fu Qian extended his arms in parallel, doing a chest-expanding exercise.

Need to wrap things up quickly. Miss Wen's attention had clearly been drawn by the arrival of reinforcements; although she still sat there, she was no longer concentrating and even sneakily glanced backwards.

He needed to help her focus solely on the task at hand.

After all, she didn't have much time left.