0010 Novice asking for light mockery!_1

The remaining three men looked at Xiao Chen with dumbfounded expressions, unable to comprehend how a man with a beefy stature of well over 200 pounds could be so effortlessly lifted by someone of such unimposing appearance. The visual impact of this display of strength left them at a loss!

These trash, bullying honest folk was one thing, but when it came to facing someone tough, they were absolutely useless!

"It seems we've got a bunch of tough guys here! Not bad, not bad at all! Spirited! I like that!"

Seeing that no one answered, Xiao Chen wasn't in a hurry. Instead, he suddenly exerted force and viciously slammed the beefy man onto the ground!

With a booming thud, the beefy man's massive body crashed down—after his head struck the marble floor, he was knocked out cold, it was uncertain whether he was dead or alive!

Xiao Chen slowly walked towards the other three, who by now were riddled with fear. They were not strangers to fighting, but this manner of fighting…

They had never seen anything like it!

This wasn't a fight,

but a complete domination!

Beginners pleading for mercy!

The beefy man was one of the strongest among the four, and even he was handled like a chick by the opponent—what chance did they stand?

As they hesitated, Xiao Chen had already approached them!

Without waiting for them to speak, Xiao Chen grabbed one by the hair and violently smashed his head onto the table in front of them!

Bang! Crack!

Another muffled sound, and after the man's head slammed into the table, the wooden folding table shattered upon impact, and he fell unconscious just like the beefy man!

To an onlooker, it might have appeared that the two men went down easily because they were too weak, turned into punching bags for Xiao Chen's power practice. In reality, it wasn't that they didn't want to dodge; they simply couldn't!

Every time this man made a move, they couldn't even catch a clear glimpse!

"If you don't talk, I can find out for myself. Please, don't tell me, it gives me a good chance to have some fun!"

A smile hung on Xiao Chen's lips, yet this smile couldn't be described as gentle by anyone's standards!

It was even a bit cruel!

His words clearly told the others that his main purpose wasn't to ask questions but to torment them!

Two were already scared out of their wits. One of them just thought about begging for mercy and was about to inform Xiao Chen of Zhang Hongfeng's office location. However, Xiao Chen didn't seem to give him the chance to open his mouth, instead grabbing him by the hair, spinning around, and throwing him like a discus!


The man crashed against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor. His arms and legs contorted into unnatural shapes. No need for a medical professional to see, even a layperson could tell that the guy was likely suffering from multiple fractures!

After taking care of three men in the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen finally focused his attention on the last one!

This one was still relatively young, with a shifty look typical of a sly monkey. When Xiao Chen cast a glance at him, he was about to piss himself in terror—where did this unreasonable scourge come from!

Not only unreasonable but also damn good at fighting!

Fearing an opponent who knows martial arts is one thing, but it's entirely another when they know martial arts and are unreasonable!

The sharp-mouthed man immediately knelt on the ground and blurted out quickly, "Mr. Zhang's office is on the second floor! Turn left after you go up the stairs, and it's the last room! There are a total of five rooms upstairs! They are the accounting room, property department, security department, manager's office, and one room Mr. Zhang uses for intimate times with his mistresses!"

"At this hour, Mr. Zhang is likely not in his office but in the room for intimate encounters! Usually, Mr. Zhang arranges for four bodyguards to stand guard outside when he's engaged in intimate behavior, and there are also about a dozen or so people in the security department!"

The sharp-mouthed man spilled everything he knew, estimating that even if Xiao Chen asked him what color his own mother's underpants were, he would rush home to check and then inform Xiao Chen!

Even Xiao Chen, amused by his behavior, couldn't help but smile. He took an interested look at the fellow kneeling on the ground, then suddenly hitched up his trousers and crouched down, face-to-face with him.

"You're very cooperative! I'm quite pleased!"

Sharpnose felt goosebumps all over as Xiao Chen looked at him, but still managed to squeeze out a semblance of a smile, though it looked uglier than crying!

"Big, Big Brother, can you please have mercy and let me go like a fart?"

"Can't!" Xiao Chen said indifferently, "My digestion is good. I don't usually fart!"

Sharpnose was almost in tears, and with a sobbing tone, he said, "Big Brother, I've told you everything I know! Please don't hit me anymore!"

"I know! As a reward, I'll use a gentle method to punish you!"

As he spoke, Xiao Chen slowly reached out his hand and grabbed Sharpnose's arm!

This time Sharpnose clearly saw Xiao Chen's movement, but even so, he didn't dare to resist in the slightest!

He knew that if he resisted, an even more miserable fate would await him!

Xiao Chen observed Sharpnose's arm for a while with deliberate slowness, then suddenly exerted force with both hands. There was a crack, and Sharpnose's arm broke on cue!

Just as Sharpnose was about to scream out in pain, he heard Xiao Chen say again, "If you dare scream, I'll break more than just this one arm!"

Sharpnose felt like he was going insane!

He had never experienced such torture in his life!

The pain of a broken arm is actually bearable for most people, and this guy wouldn't even allow him to cry out!

Despite his inner cursing, Sharpnose really didn't dare to scream out. Though he was sweating profusely from the pain, he still bit down on his teeth and endured it!

Xiao Chen smiled in satisfaction, stood up, and patted Sharpnose on the head: "Good boy!"

Sharpnose watched as Xiao Chen finally seemed ready to leave. Clenching his teeth tightly and enduring the intense pain in his arm, he still harbored some doubts in his heart.

"Bi-, Big Brother! I've already told you everything I know, why do you still have to..."

He wanted to ask why Xiao Chen still had to punish him, but the words died halfway, his courage spent.

However, Xiao Chen knew what he wanted to ask. He turned his head to look at him once and then pointed at his body.

"There's red paint on you four!"

Having said that, Xiao Chen then went upstairs.

Ever since Xiao Chen entered, he had noticed that all four of these men had a bit of red paint on them. This indicated that the things from Xia Bing's company had been tampered with by these four!

Since he had found the culprits, Xiao Chen hadn't intended to let them off from the moment he came in.

Xiao Chen is clear about rewards and penalties. The first bruiser was injured the worst, the second and third were lesser so, and since Xiao Chen got the information he wanted from Sharpnose, his injuries were the lightest.

Such was Xiao Chen's style of handling things!

Arriving on the second floor and just turning out of the hallway, Xiao Chen saw four tall, stern-faced men standing guard in front of a room door.

But at the same time, Xiao Chen also heard the creaking of a wooden bed and a woman's moaning and cooing from inside the room.

The four men displayed a wary expression upon seeing Xiao Chen and faced him.

"Who are you looking for?"

Xiao Chen let out a sly chuckle.

"With all the hanky-panky noise inside, don't you four standing at the door feel uncomfortable?"