0011 Cultivate energy internally, cultivate momentum externally!_1

Upon hearing these words, the faces of the four men showed embarrassment at the same time!

All of them were vigorous young men; how could they not feel uncomfortable in such a situation?

Fortunately, Zhang Hongfeng was indeed quite generous, and the amount of money he paid them was enough to endure this discomfort. They could simply find a place to let off steam after work!

Moreover, they had been following Zhang Hongfeng for quite some time now and had gotten used to these kinds of things!

But now, having a stranger like Xiao Chen point it out, the four men felt an indescribable mix of emotions!

"Who exactly are you? This is no place for loafers! Please leave!"

The square-faced man said to Xiao Chen in a deep voice!

"I am here to find Zhang Hongfeng!"

Xiao Chen continued speaking as he walked over!

"Mr. Zhang is currently resting. If you have any business, I can convey it to him later. Now please leave!"

The square-faced man became more cautious!

Xiao Chen just laughed, "Are you kidding me? He is resting? With such loud noises inside, you're obviously lying with your eyes wide open!"

Xiao Chen stepped forward and listened carefully, "The woman's screams sound a bit fake, too much acting, not convincing at all. Thumbs down!"

The square-faced man's face turned green, thinking what kind of thought process was this guy having?

Didn't he see the tension in the air?

He still had the mind to criticize a woman's moans?

However, he did not forget his duty!

"Stop! Take one more step, and don't blame us for being impolite!"

The square-faced man stretched out his hand to block Xiao Chen!

Yet Xiao Chen really did stop in place, but his gaze gradually became colder, and he slowly turned his head to look at the other man!

The square-faced man felt Xiao Chen's gaze piercing his heart, making him shudder involuntarily!

This kind of presence...

Just a single look allowed the square-faced man to be certain that the other was definitely not an ordinary person!

Martial Artists cultivate their internal Qi and external demeanor!

If a person's presence is strong enough, even without the strength to truss a chicken, it can still be oppressive!

However, Xiao Chen was someone who cultivated both internally and externally!

Therefore, the "demeanor" he exhibited now was all the more suffocating!

"I don't know you, nor do I have any grudges against you. If you know what's good for you, step aside, and I'll ensure you leave healthy and whole," Xiao Chen spoke calmly, but each word seemed to carry immense power, vibrating against the square-faced man's chest.

"Otherwise, I will let you understand what true impoliteness means!"

After Xiao Chen spoke, he no longer looked at the square-faced man but walked leisurely forward, treating the four bodyguards as if they were just air!

But this time, the square-faced man didn't dare to stop him!

Not only that, he found his forehead and shirt completely soaked, his heart uncontrollably pounding as though he had just been through a harrowing battle!

Just one look had made a man of considerable strength feel despair, stripping away all his courage!

This was...

The power of presence!

Not just the square-faced man, but also the other three, who were not specifically targeted by Xiao Chen, were standing tense on the spot, none daring to block Xiao Chen's path in the slightest!

Xiao Chen walked up to the door, completely ignoring the four people behind him, not worried at all about their potential sneak attacks but strolled as if he were in a leisurely garden!

It was not until Xiao Chen had turned the doorknob and entered the room that the four individuals collapsed neatly onto the floor, completely drained of strength!

"Mr. Lin! Who the hell is this guy?"

A young man asked the man with the square face.

The square-faced man turned pale, noticed everyone else looking at him with puzzled expressions, hesitated for a long time before he spoke up.

"I don't know who he is, but I do know he's definitely someone we can't afford to mess with!"

The other three deeply agreed, and the young man spoke again, "Mr. Lin, so now what do we do..."

"Let's go! I've always said that Mr. Zhang's money isn't easy to earn. He even dares to provoke such a character; working for him as bodyguards could cost us our lives any day! And if that happens, what good is money if we're not alive to spend it!"

"Better to find a more stable employer. Even if we earn less, at least we can live with peace of mind!"

After saying this, the four men helped each other up and fled the second floor as if running for their lives!

When Xiao Chen walked into the room, he found it was not that big, only about twenty square meters, but as they say, "Although the sparrow is small, all its vital organs are present."

In the middle was a large round waterbed with a curtain above it, and right above was a round mirror. When lying on the bed, one could see themselves perfectly reflected in the mirror!

Along the wall was a fully transparent bathroom, complete with a large bathtub big enough to fit two or three people at once!

The floor beside the bed was littered with various garments, and of course, there was a whip and some other special trinkets!

As Xiao Chen took in the situation in the room, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"They sure know how to have fun!"

Xiao Chen looked up at the mirror above: "Is this for admiring heroic spirit?"

The two people in the room hadn't noticed Xiao Chen's presence at all!

It wasn't until Xiao Chen spoke up that they realized there was an extra person in the room!

The woman turned her head and found Xiao Chen casually leaning against the doorway, an amused smile on his face as if watching a play.

"You two carry on, don't mind me, I'm still jobless, so I've got plenty of time!"

The woman screamed, quickly grabbed a quilt to wrap herself up, and looked at Xiao Chen with a face full of terror!

Of course, she knew what kind of person Zhang Hongfeng was and was aware of his influence. People like him weren't usually provoked so readily, and if someone did cause trouble, it meant big trouble!

And now...

Big trouble had arrived!

Zhang Hongfeng, by comparison, remained relatively calm, but with a stranger in the room, he certainly didn't intend to put on a live show for an audience!

What's more...

The fact that someone had entered the room so silently already spoke volumes!

Although Hongfeng Security Company was not impregnable, there were quite a few people outside!

Two guards at the door, four in the lobby, over a dozen in the security department, and most importantly, the four elite bodyguards he had hired at a high salary standing at the entrance!

The fact that none of these individuals made a move, yet someone managed to break in, instantly made Zhang Hongfeng sense danger!

In his line of work, making enemies was a given, and he had long anticipated that such a day might come.

"Who might you be, sir? May I know what Zhang Hongfeng could possibly assist you with?"

Zhang Hongfeng feigned composure as he picked up his clothes from beside the bed and began dressing.

Xiao Chen's lips curled up in a slight smirk, teasingly said, "Sorry to intrude, Mr. Zhang!"