You're not even qualified to be my trouble!_1

Zhang Hongfeng's face flushed with embarrassment, knowing full well that the other party was making fun of him. Yet the more indifferent the other party seemed, the more unsettled he felt inside!

Because usually, such calm people have absolute confidence in their own strength!

With this thought in mind, Zhang Hongfeng became even more cautious!

"No problem! A guest comes first, any other matter can be put aside!"

Zhang Hongfeng had lost all shame, after all, in their line of business, thick skin was already of no importance!

"You go out first! The gentleman and I still have important matters to discuss!"

Zhang Hongfeng slapped the woman's buttocks and gave her a meaningful look.

Understanding his intention, the woman immediately nodded, eager to leave anyway; now that Zhang Hongfeng agreed, she naturally felt joyful!

However, as she walked past Xiao Chen, she still felt fearful.

"May I leave, sir?" the woman feigned a shy and flustered demeanor, "I never interfere in men's affairs!"

The woman's words were blunt, the unflattering interpretation being:

Your business with Zhang Hongfeng has nothing to do with me; I was only here to sleep with him!

Xiao Chen looked the woman over and suddenly laughed, "I could tell from outside that you are quite the actress, and now I see that it's true indeed!"

These words made both Zhang Hongfeng and the woman awkward!

The woman's awkwardness stemmed from Xiao Chen seeing through her act, and Zhang Hongfeng's awkwardness was...

If the woman was acting outside, what would that be? Clearly, it was pretending to be very comfortable!

This was outright mockery of Zhang Hongfeng's incompetence!

However, Xiao Chen's next move puzzled both of them. He stepped aside slightly and actually made way to the door, "Take your time, no need to see you out!"

Although Xiao Chen had spotted the problem, he still let the woman go, which was quite unexpected.

But the woman couldn't care less now; she could leave, and that was what mattered!

After thanking Xiao Chen, the woman pulled open the door and left quickly!

"Is everything arranged?"

Xiao Chen closed the door, pulled a chair over for himself as if he owned the place, and lit a cigarette for himself.

Zhang Hongfeng frowned, "What are you implying?"

"Didn't you send your woman to fetch help?"

Xiao Chen chuckled mockingly, as if looking at a plaything easily manipulated, "I obliged your wish and let her go!"

Zhang Hongfeng was shocked inside!

He already knew the visitor was harboring ill intentions, but Xiao Chen's behavior made him fear that things might be even worse than he imagined!

Knowing his scheme but still releasing the woman!

What does this tell us?

It tells that this man is confident, confident that even if you summon help, it won't be of any use!

In front of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are exceedingly fragile!

"Who on earth are you? I don't recall ever offending you!"

By now, Zhang Hongfeng was starting to feel fear, knowing nothing about the visitor's intentions or background, while the visitor's aura and composure instinctively made him sense danger!

Dealing with such a person, Zhang Hongfeng didn't dare show the slightest disrespect!

"You've offended so many; do you remember each one?"

Xiao Chen exhaled a ring of smoke with ease!

Zhang Hongfeng's heart lurched; he had speculated that the other party had come looking for trouble—after all, such a formidable person wouldn't come all this way to interrupt his lovemaking just out of boredom, right?

But hearing Xiao Chen admit it in person, Zhang Hongfeng lost even that little bit of hope!

Since that was the case, Zhang Hongfeng could only accept his fate!

"Fine! I've indeed offended quite a few people, and I've long thought that this day would come!" Zhang Hongfeng, a true tough guy, sat up straight, reached for the cigarette pack on the bedside table, found it empty, and looked at Xiao Chen: "Could you give me one?"

Xiao Chen pulled out a cigarette and threw it to Zhang Hongfeng.


After lighting the cigarette, Zhang Hongfeng took a luxurious drag, as if it was the last cigarette of his life, while Xiao Chen, not in any hurry, just watched, legs crossed, waiting for him to savor it!

"I guess there's no getting out of today's business amicably, so tell me, do you want my money, or do you want my life?"

Zhang Hongfeng's fingers trembled slightly but he forced himself not to show too much fear!

Even if he was going to die, he wanted to die like a man!

Having been involved in the underworld for so long, Zhang Hongfeng did have some backbone!

"What if I said I wanted both?"

Xiao Chen smiled with his eyes narrowed.

Zhang Hongfeng's brows furrowed: "Aren't you being a bit too greedy?"

"Indeed, very greedy!" Xiao Chen nodded and then his gaze sharpened: "Do you think I don't have the power to back it up?"

Zhang Hongfeng couldn't refute; by now, he had thoroughly confirmed that the visitor had bad intentions!

"I can give you all my money; just spare my life!" Zhang Hongfeng was begging, but he wasn't wailing; instead, his tone was that of negotiating: "And I promise, I'll leave Tianhai City immediately and never come back!"

"If you're still not satisfied... I can also leave Huaxia! I absolutely won't cause you any trouble!"

"You're not even worthy of being my trouble!" Xiao Chen spoke arrogantly: "Dealing with small fry like you is just a walk in the park!"

Xiao Chen's words were brimming with conceit, yet to Zhang Hongfeng, they didn't seem the least bit like bragging—quite the opposite; they seemed perfectly accurate!

"Going for the kill?"

The thing that Zhang Hongfeng feared most was Xiao Chen turning murderous!

"When you squish an ant, do you feel like you're annihilating it?"

Xiao Chen sneered, and in an instant, Zhang Hongfeng understood that in Xiao Chen's eyes, he was just an ant!

"Is there room for negotiation?" Nobody wants to die, and Zhang Hongfeng still tried to bargain for his life: "I can be your subordinate! In Tianhai City, I'll be your gun—wherever you point, I'll fire!"

"I don't need trash around me! With just one word from me, do you know how many people from around the world would come to Huaxia begging to be taken on as my subordinate?"

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes: "And every single one of them is countless times stronger than you!"

Xiao Chen's lukewarm attitude left Zhang Hongfeng with no way to retaliate; he had thought of every possible reason, but Xiao Chen had rejected them all!

At this point, Zhang Hongfeng realized that other than resigning to his fate, he was utterly powerless to do anything!

"I understand!"

Zhang Hongfeng finished the last drag of the cigarette, put out the stub, and his complexion gradually turned pale: "I admit defeat this time. Go ahead!"

"I'd dirty my hands killing you," Xiao Chen said with the same indifference.

Zhang Hongfeng's face drastically changed, hope apparently kindled by Xiao Chen's words!

No matter the reason, as long as Xiao Chen didn't kill him, it was incredibly good news!

Yet, Xiao Chen suddenly pointed to a fruit knife on the table next to them.

"Do it yourself!"